My hair is out of wak today

Last night I received a call from my new job. She wants me to start some time sooner like next week. Supposely she let go of a person and I guess they need me, I told her I will see what I can do. Now I have to let these people know today that my last day will be Monday or Tuesday not really sure which day I prefer but I think I will make it Tuesday, give them one more day.

I hate last minute changes, dont you?

Last night J finnally gave up, he told me this morning that I am his queen and to think of him through out the day that he loves me. I said oh how sweet thanks I love you to. Maybe theres a full moon or something, cause he is really happy.

My sister wants me to go visit her today and help her with myspace because her son whom is 13 is on there and she wants to supervise him so she wants her own account. She said she knows nothing of how to set it up.

Of course me the know how to get around the internet will show her. She is going to get all hooked that she wont want to get off the computer. My cousins kids are on myspace and my gosh you should see the stuff they have on what surprises me is that my cousin doesnt even give a damn. I told my sister she should supervise her son because thats how things happend.

I forgot to tell you guys last Thursday my Biological dad’s dad passed away. The funeral was Wednesday and I refused to go. The reason is I never new the guy I saw him once and to top it off he treated my mom like crap. Worse one time my mom was in a hurry and she got milk from their fridge to make me a bottle the guy told her not to get milk and took it away from her hands! My mom told me this so I didnt have the heart to go to the funeral. But it kind of shocked me to hear someone with my blood some what died. Sad so sad but he was a bad man.

In other news, well there are no news I gotta go! Later.

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awww that was sweet of J!

awww that was sweet of J!

WOW, that’s weird about your dad, I understand you not going though…are you ok with all of this? So are you talking Monday or Tuesday like in 3 days? Or a whole week away?

WOW, that’s weird about your dad, I understand you not going though…are you ok with all of this? So are you talking Monday or Tuesday like in 3 days? Or a whole week away?

January 12, 2007
January 12, 2007
January 12, 2007

Sorry about your dad, but understand. I hate last minute changes as well. Sweet of J.

January 12, 2007

Sorry about your dad, but understand. I hate last minute changes as well. Sweet of J.