Sugar and Carbs

Staying away from sugar and carbs is so hard.  Everything is sugar and carbs.

One the first day of my diet I was already having cravings.  I wanted to go to a favorite dine-in theatre just to have an excuse to order one of their pizzas.  Not that they have great pizzas just that I wanted that chewy doughy pizza.

Yesterday, I stopped by my mom’s house.  She made a cheese dip which is not against my diet but the chips accompanying the dip are.  I allowed myself to have two chips with the dip.  Didn’t think about it until just now but I should have asked my mom if she had celery sticks as alternative to the chips.  On the way home from her house, I wanted to stop at a coffee shop for a mocha latte or any type of coffee that included sugary additions.

Today, I dropped off my son at the mall to hang out with a friend of his.  I wanted to stop by at Starbucks to get a sugary coffee drink.  I loitered inside the Barnes and Noble letting myself dwell on the temptation.  I ultimately resisted.  It helped that I am a bit cash poor and didn’t feel like spending $5 or so on one cup of coffee.  After walking out of the bookstore, I found myself walking towards the Queen Anne’s.  I had a cinnamon sugar pretzel on the brain.  I knew it would be harder to avoid that treat so I turned around and headed to my car.  I went home and had myself a nice low-carb lunch of fish and a side salad.

So here I set on day three wanting sugar and carbs.  “Hold on,” I tell myself, “You can last to the end of this short month.”  It would help to be able to see progress but the battery in my scale is dead.


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February 3, 2018

Just push through! Getting through cutting back on sugar and carbs is hard. It really is. Your body is so addicted to them. You’ve got this!

February 3, 2018

I did the no sugar/carbs thing for YEARS when I got hypnotized to lose weight and it was sometimes super easy and sometimes (like Christmas, my birthday or any holiday/party for that matter) VERY hard. BUT I realized that if I wasn’t STARVING then I could mostly pretty easily avoid the “bad stuff” so just to give some advice – we made a lot of like taco salads with sour cream and guac so it didn’t seem like we were depriving ourselves. Other ideas? SPAGHETTI SQUASH was a HUGE life saver. It literally is like eating spaghetti – and I would make it with my homemade alfredo and my GOD was it good. Also like Shepards Pie but instead of potatoes I’d make it with mashed cauliflower instead which is literally like the same thing. We made pizzas with chicken crust or cauliflower crust. There are sooooo many more recipies out there nowadays that I’d get INTO it but seriously you CAN do this!! It will be SOOOO worth it. I lost 150lbs. I was like 300lbs. So imagine the difference!? And the weight literally MELTS off so quickly. I believe in you. You can do this!!!! Oh and another trick was if I was starving and was having a craving a glass of milk kinda filled me up enough where after I drank it I could put some “reason” into my head. Hope it helps!!!! Good luck love!

February 3, 2018

OH and one more guilty pleasure of mine was buffalo chicken dip with celery sticks. Mmmmmmm sooooo goooooooood! Like for a Super Bowl Party?