Ah, Love!
My Heart’s Forecast
Dear sweet heart of mine..
With thyself please be gentle.
See, the golden sun does shine
After the downpour of your soul…
Behold! Love’s rainbow in the sky,
Beams down upon you, piercing your darkest cloud.
The heavens extend its ‘kerchief so you can dry
The lonely teardrops that like a shroud
All rays of happiness covers like a dark mantle!
All rays of happiness covers like a dark, heavy mantle
Which makes your body overcast!
Smile!!! For I predict up ahead sunnier and much pleasant weather!
Mary Gonzalez (c) 2000
Well, I am a good bard. 🙂
I finished my pizza and am sitting here with a terrible heartburn.
I am listening to my parents fighting over a vaccumm cleaner! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! I am soon going to buy some earplugs soon! Well, I am going to get some shut-eye now. I hope sleep restores my happiness soon.
SensualRose @}>->->->->-