
Do you ever dream when you’re drifting off to sleep? I do…and last night it was not pleasant! I dreamt about a car that had no front bumper and it was sucking white bunnies through the radiator into the fan and chopping them up. It wasn’t graphic, but it was obvious what was happening to the bunnies. Any interpretation?

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June 16, 2004

😐 scary dream!! ryn: good point 😉

Poor bunnies.

yo!>< check us out.. *tell a friend*

Most dreams you can’t interperet the content, only the feelings. How you feel in the dream will tell you a lot of how you are feeling in day to day life. Especially how you are feeling subconsciously.

June 16, 2004

RYN: Well I usually DO have His Thudliness in my player, although I am attempting to wean myself off of him so the concert will be kick ass. (Not like it won’t be, but still) I listen to him every day on the way to work and usually at night too…btw, LOVE the picture on your first page…. Sarah

June 16, 2004

1. You feel helpless and have no control over some important aspect of your life. 2. You are the bunny; something is eating you and spitting you out (proverbially, of course). This, of course, is conditional on the make, model, and year of the car, along with insurance carrier RYN: Penguins often inspire conversation; they are wise, noble creatures, if not a bit cold.

June 20, 2004

hey’z weird dream lol dont know where that could lead to i’ve never dreamed about bunnies before lol . Anyways maye its cause of your diary colors ever think that It could have to deal with this site since of your colors By Catherine F note me back please