Attention all losers.

Attention all feminazi facists, pseudo-intellectual college students, clueless Hollywood activists, environmentalist wackos, intolerant radical liberals, pro-gay bigots, communists, punks, goths, vegans, terrorist sympathizers, Michael Moore cock-suckers, dirty hippies, crybaby-bitch minorities, lazy jobless bastards, and anti-war pro-Islamic facism assholesÂ…

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How does it feel knowing that despite all the websites, all the “grassroots” activism, all the mockumentaries, all the cheap shots, all the money spent, all the bullshit protesting, all the slander and libel, and all the arrogance and bigotry, you still got your asses kicked?

-His Divine Shadow

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I’ve missed you.

November 3, 2004

pro-gay bigots? do tell.

November 3, 2004

Do I dare agree with you or will I incur your wrath. I do agree.

They lost the electoral AND popular vote. Ouch. That has got to hurt.

This kind of childishness is what makes our side look bad. Very intelligent of you.

November 3, 2004

How does it feel to know that no matter how hard you try, you can’t prevent me from loving someone of the same sex? I bet it makes you feel jealous.

I was wondering how long it was going to take before this entry came up. =D

November 3, 2004

Oh baby. I have been waiting with baited breath for your commentary on this glorious event. Color me more than satisfied.

I don’t know what’s sadder… His pitiful little “list” at the top or the fact that he feels like he has to resort to ASCII to get his point across…

November 3, 2004


*laughs* Oh, you arsehole.

November 3, 2004

wonder what good ole Michael Moore’s gonna say about this…Bush won by three million votes, took ohio by 100K…

November 3, 2004

pseudo-intellectual college students, communists, terrorist sympathizers, and anti-war pro-Islamic facism assholes… the parts of me that *lost* all the other parts won. 🙂 yay!

lol, you ARE an arsehole.

November 4, 2004

Nice to see maturity reigns in these post election days. /EndSarcasm

November 4, 2004

Wait! I’m not on your list. You need to make a category for single moms who just don’t like invading other countries and killing millions of civilians. And may I also mention how impressed I am with your efforts to minimize the consternation around here.

November 4, 2004

ah well, us kerry supporters tried our hardest, at least this way bush gets four more years to clean up his mess, but in all honesty, they both sucked. Congratulations on your candiadate winning!

November 4, 2004

Do you really think anyone won when the country was split nearly 50-50? I don’t think that if Kerry had had the 52% that he would have “won”, either. You still have to live with all these people you detest. How about working to unite with them, because like it or not we’re all Americans. Peace.

Well, it makes us feel damn disappointed, if I say so myself. That’s about it.

RYN: You must, since you bothered to respond. I guess since you can’t control your impulses, I’ll need to control them for you. *blocked* Idiot.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ HAHA! look who is calling the kettle black. by the way, the picture on the front of your diary looks just like the bitch.

November 4, 2004

Hear Hear…

November 4, 2004

Feels good to be a winner.

November 4, 2004

Hope they like sucking Republican dick

November 4, 2004

How long did that finger take to make…that’s all I thought about when reading this. Like you care…*giggles*…where have you been?

November 4, 2004

RYN:RMN: You say “they”, but the thing is I fit a number of the descriptives in this entry. Am I one of “they”? We can all do this together if we try.

November 4, 2004

RYN;RMN: Part II: And I forgot to mention that while you say you wish they’d give up their combative ways, it’s hard for me to feel warm and fuzzy about you when you’re gloating and giving folks the finger. It really does go both ways, and at this point everyone loses. Well…good luck to you. I hope things get better for all of us.

November 4, 2004

RYN: I’m good babe. I miss you on this site. I didn’t even vote. I don’t know shit about politics and I’m just pure lazy I guess. I was leaning towards Kerry but than thought that getting a new president in the middle of a war is kinda stupid, don’t you think? I dunno. So the Bush didn’t get shaved outta the office. Life will go on. It will. Yes, it will. *mwah* My Shadow is back!

November 4, 2004

damn I love this entry. In fact I am going to nominate it. =c) ~

November 4, 2004

well of course you are already ON reader’s choice, but hey I tried. ~

Nicely put.

All Your Jew Are Belong to [Pilgrim]

November 4, 2004

Wow, did you use a pattern for that, or did you work it out on your own? I’ve always wanted to try making pictures with random punctuation, but it never seems to work. Loves,

Ha Ha! Thanks for telling me about this entry.

We ALL lose. You know this. Anyhoo, was going to note your latest entry, but there’s too many damn people already beat me too it so I just picked another. Hmm. Regardless of his failings, King served a purpose, and he served it well. We can poke holes in what ‘great men’ the world has spat at us, but to what end? Douse one of few lights we have? Why? Changes nothing. Only harms.