A letter to His Divine Girlfriend.

"His Divine Shadow" <hisdivineshadows@yahoo.com>  

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To:"His Divine Girlfriend" <hypernova@mail.com>
Subject:A Letter to My Love

My sweetest darling,

First I would like to start by saying that the last four weeks of my life have been the best I have ever known. Being with you is unlike any pleasure I have ever had found before. Not the sweetest water nor the brightest sun could compare the to joy that you have brought to my life. It is as if I have awoken from a long winter slumbur into the spring that is your warmth and love. However, I write this letter not to praise our newfound love, but with a heavy heart in expressing a truth that I regret not having shared with you before.

Many times, I have told you that honesty should always be the foundation of a good relationship and so far, I have tried very hard to live up to that ideal by being completely open and honest with you. Well, almost completely open. To be truthful, there is one thing I have not since told you about myself, mostly because I was afraid it would come between us and what I see is a beautiful relationship. However, after the last few dates we have been on, I am sure you have sensed that something is wrong and might have even blamed yourself for my being so distant. But, if you will forgive the cliche, it is not you, it is me.

To be completely honest with you sweetie, I have been reluctant to engage in intimate relations with you because – well, I am very inexperienced in the matter. In fact, I have no experience whatsoever. I am a virgin, and in fact, before you and I met, I had never even kissed a girl before. I know that might seem hard to believe, but it’s true. And now I am afraid that I cannot please you in the most fundamental way a man can please the woman he loves. I am sure that now you understand why I have been so cold to you as of late. I know I should have probably said something sooner, but I was afraid of what it would mean to you. Even if you don’t think less of me because of this, it makes me less of a good boyfriend, since, as I said before, I probably cannot grant you the love that you so deserve.

I know you might think of being my first as something wonderful and romantic, but truth be told, I think it would be awkward and downright embarrasing, especially if my lack of experience makes me out to be a big disappointment. And the worst part is not that I would be humiliated, but that you would be cheated out of the wonderful experience you deserve to have. Being your loving boyfriend, however, I am committed to being the best I can be in every way to you, including in bed.

But how can I do that without the experience necessary to be a good lover. The answer to this is simple: practice. Remember Heather, that best friend of yours who you stopped talking to because you said she was trying to destroy our relationship? Well, she and I have been talking and she tells me that she actually really wants to help me out in my endeavor to become a good lover. So much so, in fact, that Heather has invited me to come over to her place every Friday night so we can practice the art of love-making. I’ve already gone shopping with her to various botiques to find lots of interesting tools that she says will help experience all kinds of different sensations. She’s very willing to teach me not only the basics of various positions, rhythm, and making every shot count, but also titty fucking, bondage, and double penetration tactics.

Your younger sister has also been most generous with her time, and her ass, and has promised to show me how I can deliver awesome anal sex that any chick would die for. She also says she can deliver killer blow jobs, and wants me to help me practice how to last longer in her mouth while she sucks me harder than a tornado in a trailer park. She also says that she can teach me all the right ways to hit that ever elusive g-spot with my dick and how to find a clit with my tongue blindfolded, and how to suck it just right. Teasing and how to talk dirty are also on our agenda of things to cover.

I am so happy that you have such wonderful friends and family, my love. Before I started thinking about this letter, I was in total agony and fear that I could never be the perfect kind of boyfriend that you deserve. Now, I feel like after these next couple of months with Heather and your sister (they both tell me that I will need as much practice as possible), that I can do anything that would please you. And I so badly want that. I love you so much and I just want to let you know that every time I pound your sister in the ass, every time I shoot my load into Heather’s face, every time your mom begs me to push it a little bit harder and call her my dirty little slut, I will be thinking of you.

-Love U 4-ever

His Divine Shadow

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AHAHA. I am sure she knows how very *cough, hack* lucky she is, especially after recieving this letter. Perhaps the whole lot of you can gather together for a group learning session?

RYN: Fuck you Chris, you just described Tennessee!

October 25, 2004

You make me laugh, really laugh! Why so long since the last entry???

October 25, 2004

oh my…Chris this is so sad =o(

Man, your girlfriend is really living the dream…

I left you a note on [Pilgrim’s] diary, fucker. I am NOT a staticky whore!

hehhhh heh heh heh

October 25, 2004

LMAO! ahh, Chris..you’re so great! : P

October 25, 2004

Oh dear god you crack me up.

October 25, 2004

I so badly want to print it out and perform it as a monologue somewhere.

October 25, 2004

LMAO. Nice work. =)

hee hee

October 25, 2004

hey i’m just impressed you have the decency to practice!!

October 25, 2004

*giggles* I’m so glad I’m just your pretend internet girlfriend, and not the real thing.

October 25, 2004

That was great…

October 25, 2004

Oh buddy. Your at it again! *gigglefits*

October 25, 2004

What a sweet letter.

heheheheheheheheheheeeeee….. 😀

October 26, 2004

ryn: I decided to not your “month old entry” because someone recently reader choiced it. By the way, next time you decide to bad mouth someone’s diary entry, why don’t you take a look at what entry you are freaking noting. If I meant anything bad by “get over it”, I would have said it. It was just the fact that someone still thinks it is important enough to RC it recently.

I tried to do that for a friend once. She called me a slut and never talked to me again. Ungrateful bitch.

I wanna gobble your cock down to the ballsac.

this is pure geniosity.. i was laughing so hard tht i pooped my long johns. “She also says she can –>deliver<– killer blow jobs" intense.

October 30, 2004

My favorite was that your mom joke there at the end. I’m a sucker for your mom jokes. 🙂

wow absoulutley lucious wonderful… letter, GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 Heh

LMAO. Christopher, you motherf*ker! oh, that was great.

pero, i am deleting my diary. to keep in touch.. blind_melon@excite.com ps going to different site.

November 2, 2004

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! loved that!!

November 2, 2004

*wonders how to get on the teacher list* Love

when are you gonna frickin write somethin else? it’s been like..a week…c’mon.
