I’ve got your “open mind” right here, d00d

I go to school in California. That means I tend to put up with a lot of
bullshit, especially of the political kinds. Not a day went by back in Junior
college when I wasn’t confronted with some asshole’s idea of what would make
America better. When it wasn’t dumbass losers campaigning for Lyndon LaRouche,
it was hot chicks from the Church of Scientology trying to sell those dogshit
Dianetics books.
The worst part was student government. I used to
work for them until I realized they were nothing short of useless morons using
school money to put on boring events to justify their own self-importance and to
win points for the universities to which they planned on
Normally, I don’t have a problem with liberal extremism. I
think the people who practice it are idiots, but that shouldn’t stop them from
having their insignificant voice. However, lately, I have been confronted with
something far worse – liberal idealism shrouded in cowardice.

Example 1). Some moron who’s name I can’t remember was
speaking at my school’s Muslim Student Association meeting about some
independent bullshit party that no one has ever heard of before. He made it
sound great, like they would ever have a chance, and that they were planning to
“take back America” from the two-party system that they say has failed America.
The worst part of this crap is when a guy in the audience asked “Is this a
leftist party?” To which, the dumbass orator responded “we like to think of
ourselves as a left-center-right coalition to blah blah blah.” D00d, if you are
a liberal extremist forming a liberal extremist party to “overthrow” the
American political system, say so. Stop being a pussy. Damn. I am glad that this
guy’s party will never be recognized – it sounds like a party of wimps.

Example 2). I was discussing the Middle East crisis
with someone one day and asked which side she took. Simple question, you can
either be pro-Israel or pro-Palestine. It’s like regular and unleaded – they are
mutually exclusive. But of course, that never stops an idealist from giving me
garbage. “I am pro-israel, pro-palestine, and pro-peace and justice.”

D00d, there is no such thing. I know that you are a PLO supporter,
because nobody who supports Israel’s right to defend themselves from terrorism
talks like that. Are you ashamed of your opinion, you dickless bitch? Sheesh,
stop acting like a coward and just say that you support terrorism. There is
nothing wrong with having an opinion, but there is something wrong with being a
coward about it. I get this same bullshit from people who are anti-war. Instead
of saying they are anti-American, they say “I am for the troops but against the
war.” That’s right, cos the troops really aren’t fighting in Iraq – they are off
in Tahiti on the taxpayer dollar and are giving the laugh to all the fools who
fell for the whole “war in Iraq” scam.

If you are going to be an
extremist, bigoted, or a hate monger, don’t add “pussy” to your list of
accolades. Grow a spine and stand up for your controversial opinion – it will
get you more respect to say you are pro-choice or pro-life than if you say some
stupid crap like “I am pro-rational.” What a bunch of wussy garbage.

-His Divine Shadow

P.S. On a personal note, I haven’t had time
to write any new entries, cos I am actually doing important things right now. So
if you notice that some of my new entries look familiar after this one, it is
because I am posting old deleted ones and pretending they are new. My plan will
work because you can’t prove I’ve used them before and most people who read my
diary have the attention span of a 13 year old kid on weed-brownies. Enuff said.

Log in to write a note

I am pro-killing-most-of-these-assholes.

I just rc’d this to piss off the retard fringe (also it’s good). Fuck ’em.

October 7, 2004

RYN: I’m thinking you didn’t read that entry. Which is understandable, since it was pretty long. But then it doesn’t make sense for you to pass judgement when you obviously didn’t get it. So I COULD explain why you’re wrong, but I’m sleepy and you probably wouldn’t get that either. So let’s just agree that you are wrong and call it a night! Huzzah!

October 7, 2004

Amazing characters you got in your school!!

October 7, 2004

weed brownies? where?

October 7, 2004

lol, nice “personal note” plan… i think it’ll work. xxxx

You’re not the teenage angst insult. Pilgrim made what an issue?

D00d, I want some weed brownies. Yum.

October 7, 2004

yeah- good point on the p.s.– i’ve already forgotten what this entry was about… something about a dickless bitch? actually, posting good old ones is so much better than posting tired new ones. doctor them a litte, give a splash of update: I sure as hell won’t know the difference.

October 7, 2004

i’m a pro-terrorism, pro-choice, leftist biotch. there. happy now?

I was going to say something about Palestine and the Zionist movement when I suddenly realised that I couldn’t do it because I never paid attention in class. =P However, you do make an excellent point. People can’t stand up for any opinion. It’s nice to convince people about crap you really don’t give a shit about.

I think it would rock if you became president. You wouldn’t keep anything hidden… “Yeah…so she sucked my dick, so what? It felt great!”

October 7, 2004

What’d you write about again?

RYN: Right. Because you know me so well.

October 7, 2004

RYN: Yep, that’s where I live and I truly don’t think there is anywhere better(I lived in the states as well)…

October 7, 2004

All I have to say about people like that is that they should not be allowed to live…each and every one of them makes the world a worse place to live in…

Ahhh…I feel your pain. Transgendered Bitch pissed me off again today. She decided another anti-religion rant was in order. Grrr.

The remarkable thing about the war is this… to civilians, I guess there must be some conceptualization amongst them that draws this line somewhere, at which point they all start protesting, there is such a thing as acceptable casualties. For the armed services there is no such thing but, there is such a thing as mission accomplishment. There is a direct correlation between the time it takes…

… to reach mission accomplishment and how much time it takes for the whining to ensue. If they really believed in what we were doing in the first place there would be no whining ever and if they didn’t believe in it then there should have been whining then and up until now. This of course not the case. Marines die. It’s what we are here for.

you don’t talk like this when you are in bed with a chick, do you? MaDBaLL

October 7, 2004

If I weren’t in love with you, I’d say you sound like a stalker.

October 7, 2004

All I remember reading is about weed brownie’s. *Oh Yeah*

October 7, 2004

Oh I love you so much. I’m in Cali too. San Diego. Which is one of the most conservative areas of California, but that doesn’t stop all the college students from force-feeding their irrational left-idealist crap down everyone’s throats. I have all the respect in the world for opinions & I’m a conservative.

October 7, 2004

Its so easy for them to call everyone else judgemental. Do they not see that they would not exist if not for they’re own hypocrisy? They judge EVERYONE, all the time. Thats how they operate. They want everyone to give up all their morals, beliefs, and standards so no one has to be responsible or accountable to anything or anyone. And if you disagree BAM you’re a misogynistic-racist-homophobic jerk

October 7, 2004

I have my beliefs. But I want everyone to feel free to express and believe what they want. I’m just not allowed to express my own opinion, because right is wrong and left is right. Gag.

Yeah, I agree. I also hate it when I speak of how stupid the leftists are and people automatically assume I must be pro-Bush or Republican. Just b/c there’s only 2 major parties in the US, doesn’t mean there’s only 2 political views. Ugh.

October 7, 2004

You’re busy, I’m busy. I wish that we could be lazy. [hug]

RYN: Okay.

October 7, 2004

Imagine going to a liberal ART college. Well the two main schools at the university I go to are medicine and art….so yeah, liberal extremism to the nth degree.

October 8, 2004

I live in the central part if that means anything to you…

DUDE! You’re too awesome! I’m so adding you to my favorites! You say every thing that i want to say, but i’m too nice to say! GET EM! :o)

i live in california.. it is quite political in spots, i understand your sentiments. 😉

First of all, Senator Kerry wants you to forget that he voted to authorize the use of force. And now he says I’m using the force wrong. He’s like a fuddy-duddy father who gives his son the keys to the Camaro, and then dares to say that junior shouldn’t go spin donuts in the middle of a soccer field full of crippled kids. I mean, how flip-floppity is that? ;)(www.whitehouse.org)

politics is boring


October 10, 2004


you and pilgrim are affiliated? why am i not surprised. the notes i got from the two of you were the funniest notes i ever read

October 13, 2004

Party of wimps? A WIMP PARTY! Something new and different for politicians … *grins* Love

October 16, 2004

Did I ask for your opinion? Nope, sure didn’t. I have no problem with what your little buddy believes and thinks….I have a problem with her talking shit about what I believe. So all of you can fu*k off.

October 18, 2004