scissor sisters
Well it is once again time to add a concert to my list of shows that ive been to see.(although i havent actually gone yet, just purchased the ticket) I might add by the way i take much pride in some of the great bands that i have seen in the last five years. Back when i was 16 i would have never seen me at all these concerts. But enough about concert bragging rights, lets talk about the actual concert.
Scissor sisters. Seattle.
Gay? Very. But excellent music. Channing was the first to introduce me to the sounds of "tits on the radio" and "take your mama." After that i went to Scotland, where they are HUGE, way bigger then over here and heard them all the time. On the radio, in pubs, played on jukeboxs. So now, i will finally be able to see if all this hype up has been worth it. Some bands i have heard suck pretty bad live. I have yet to see one that does, and i hope i never will. Although with music as outrageous and fungoing as these guys, i doubt i will be disappointed. Not to mention the fun road trip down with Chan and the boys in the Grand Le Mons. With canadian beers, and a stop at AMPM for snacks we will be good to go.
Oh, and did i forget to mention that Jen will be accompanying us on this voyage? Thats right. Crammed in the Le Mons with four other guys drinking beer and throwing pretzels at poor Kellan as he drives. Hopefully her parents wont read this entry. Then again, theyll never know which Jen I’m talking about. I always play it safe that way.
oh WOW ades is on OD. where have i been?? i wish i could be crammed in the le mons with you guys. such good times to be had *swirling of cognac in a very obtruse glass* and by the by, you coming to stones?? – MADI!!
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madi is insane. love that girl. and love YOU for inviting me! ah! 12 days omfg. LeMonsbeerampmroadtripsostoked. SO STOOOOOOOKED.
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your idea is hot and will keep me warm inside. 😉
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I too yern to be aboard this voyage to gayness… twas 2004 when i heard the sounds of the scissor; courtesy of my english co-worker. Damn you, Ades… damn you straight to hell.
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