A Letter….

Dear Santa,


I’m writing to you because I know this time of year you are too busy to read my little mail so I can vent without judgement.


I feel like I’m floundering. I want to do everything right I want it all to go perfect but it keeps flashing back in my face. As you probably noticed Maddie’s entire Preschool class went to the pumpkin patch wearing pumpkin hats. I was thrilled to do it and loved the reaction of the people as her class walked around. I fear that I did this to get myself noticed and bring attention to me. I don’t think I really want this but the feeling when everyone was commenting on all of the little pumpkins was amazing. 


Within two days of finding out that the class was going to festival of gingerbread I decided that I needed to make gingerbread boy and girl hats for all of the kids to wear. Sadly this is how the faces came out:

Needless to say I ripped out the face and have decided to just send cookie hats in in various colors. I made a couple of oreo hats that will probably be fought over. Oh well.


I want to do it all this year; I want to do Christmas presents right for the girls; I want to make sure that all of their classmates have hats and at least one positive holiday experience this year but I can’t seem to do it. My idea this year was to make as many hats as I could of different colors for the two classes thirty six hats in all, but I’m running out of yarn and getting bored with the colors I do have. I need to find a way to make it all work out for the best for all of the kids involved.


I know that Christmas isn’t all about presents but some of these kids in these classes won’t get much so why not start the holiday off positive. I am going to turn the hats over and make them into mini Santa bags complete with nametags, but I need strength, patience, and yarn. So if you do read this letter can you send some Christmas buyers to my facebook page? I think a few sales would do some great things for me.

Love, Jennifer

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Psst… Santa can’t send people to your FB page unless Santa knows the link… so you should maybe include that.

i think this is a beautiful idea. i wish you were closer because i have a ton of yarn and do not know how to knit or crochet. many people have tried to teach me, but i think i am un-teachable! i will check with the post office to see how much it would cost me to send it, if you trust me with your address. my notes are all private on here, or you can add me on the FB..Kimberlee DeNigris is my name.

if my facebook won’t allow you to request, let me know your name or email and i can add you.