I Can’t Seem to be nice on facebook…

I"ve got so many things I want to post right now but I don’t dare because I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.

I looked at my schedule today and I have no schedule for next week. I cancelled my vacation but not in time to get any hours for next week which means I have to make a 10 hour week last at least two weeks. Its all my own fault; I didn’t know how I felt about going with my family so I didn’t cross the time off early which was stupid on my part. Maybe I had hopes somethign would happen.

I really don’t want to stay here straight though… I could go up to my Aunt’s baby shower this weekend but A. It would cost me $100 in gas alone. B. I’m still ticked that they got her name wrong on the invitation C. My truck is still on three tires and has a bad habit of overheating for no stinking reason. D. It is an 8 hour drive each way E. I have Maya to consider right now (although I suppose she could go with me F. I"m not thrilled with the thought that everyone will be talking behind my back up there…

So I have a nine day vacation… What to do with that? I’ll be cleaning and cleaning and cleaning. I’ll probably walk to the store a couple of times; I’ll have Kathy and her kids for comic releif. I’ll have the dogs to raise my blood pressure… I’m going to try to pick up some shifts but I don’t see that happening.

Then there is Kathy… She is driving me up a wall. It has been in the high 90’s so I’ve been a good neighbor and taken her to the store although I personally prefer to go after work on my way home. I HATE going to the store with her!!! Her daughter has absolutely no manners in the store and she is trying to pull Hannah down with her which makes me angry. I set rules for my kids at the store and I expect them to be followed. Poor Hannah got the blunt end of it last night. I promised her she could  get her hair highlighed in some funky color for her grades and her Language and Science ISTEP scores and we found the bright colors at Meijers last night which thrilled her. I left the store without her pink hair dye because of her behavior last night. I got her some mentos because I knew she had tried to a point. Irene demanded to get some mentos from her mom and when Kathy said no she physically threw her self down on the floor in the middle of meijers (from those of you not from the mid west Meijers is a huge Walmart type store) and threw a fit. People were turning around and looking at her as Kathy tried to get her under control. After a few minutes of this I asked Hannah to take control of the cart and I started to walk toward Irene. That was when she decided that she should get up and go with us. That child does not appreciate my methods of dealing with brats. She has seen me pick up Hannah and carry her away from somewhere and as dirty as Irene tries to fight back I handle it. She tried to bite me one day and she found out how fast my finger flicked her in the nose while still holding her wrist. That was the last time she tried to bite me. She also learned early on that trying to pry my fingers off of her wrist only works for one finger at a time and I have an awesome grip with the others. So needless to say me walking toward her made her realize how much trouble she was in….

Added to this Kathy will not stand up to her husband. He is a stinking drunk and he forces her to walk to the store to get his 30 pack of beer even in this heat. My attitude is if he wants it he should get one of his buddies to take him to get it or he can drag the wagon up to the store himself. I fear she will faint from the heat pulling that full wagon one of these days. I want to tell him that I will no longer transport his alcohol in my vehicle but that means she will have to walk in the full sun in this weather to get it for him. That’s just so not fair to her so I take her. I can’t help but think that the state should intervene considering the amount of public assistance they get and he’s spending almost $40.00 a week on beer. I know I am being an enabler, but once the heat kicks down to the 70’s she is on her own again. I’ll gladly take her for meat and food and things for kids but not for his alcohol then… I just don’t want something happening to her… those kids need sanity in their lives. You should have seen how drawn out she was after she pulled it home last time 🙁

I really think they should offer to help out with gas on some of these outings. Give me a little cash to help offset my expenses. Not to mention the hour I usually waste doing this. I"m not asking for an hourly rate but would it hurt to chip in a bit?

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June 21, 2012

wagon and have a child along with it too. I pulled a wagon and CJ to the party store a week or so ago and I was drenched in sweat. I wouldnt want to think what it would of been like with so much beer in my wagon. Thank god no one in this house drinks beer, now a ale I can handle once in a while. I hope you get to have some fun with your vacation days.