I am a person from many worlds
Though I was born in a small town
I belong to many cultures
And have traveled this world around
Some days I am from Mexico
It was there I learned how to dance
Though poor the people are happy to be together
And mis amigos welcomed me because I gave them a chance
Other days I am from Africa
It was there I learned about race
People are different but we must live in this world together
My students and my family, I will never forget their face
Today I am from Spain
Eating comida and lying in the sun
A beautiful country where I learned to speak Spanish
And that despite the distance my family and I are one
Tomorrow I am from Canada
A country that is so close to mine
But my friends have showed me that some dreams are often the same
And to enjoy the simple life, to cherish what’s left of our time
And finally I am from the USA
Proud and in love with where I was born
The woods, the water and my family are life to me
And when traveling it is always back there I am torn
So I am a chameleon of sorts
Blending in and making a home wherever I go
Who I am is made up of all these places
And all the people I have ever known