Pardon me.

 My Dearest Readers,

Pardon me while I complain. 

I got my wisdom teeth out on wednesday. It hurts but in a dull achy kindof way and the pain meds don’t help.

I’m tired and I can’t sleep because I slept all day.

I’m lonely and angry for no real reason at all.

I feel like i’m on lockdown, I can’t do anything. 

Pardon me while I cry on the inside.

For feeling like crap both physically and emotionally. 

While I listen and see everyone else having fun.

While I sulk for a lack of better things to do.

Pardon me while I hide this all.

So no one else will say I complain too much.

So no one else will say it’s not as bad as it seems.

It’s that bad to me…I’m going crazy. I want to sleep forever. 

I just want it to stop. All of it. And I don’t know how to make it so.

So I guess…Leave me alone. To my pain. To my sulking. To my…just leave me to myself.

I love you readers. 

I might write more later.


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