I made this…sewing adventure
It’s Queen Elinor from Disney’s Brave. I did use a pattern (because I can visualize what I want, lack the ability to make my hand draw what I need), but I chose the fabric, trims and bobbles. Please ignore the "choker". I won’t be wearing it when it comes time, but felt that I needed an accessory. I have a pendant that I am going to wear, but I need to get a chain for it. I’m also looking for a bear necklace (that doesn’t look cheesy). I also need shoes. I could just go with basic black flats, but part of me wants something else…I dunno…
The dress itself still needs a hem and the trim needs proper stitching (I cheated and used fabric glue to get it to lay right), but it will totally be done in time for Trunk or Treat at school and Halloween a few nights later!
Awesome job!!!!
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LOVE! If you have some bucks to spend, medieval moccasins make amazing footwear that would be perfect. http://www.medievalmoccasins.com/
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It looks awesome!
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Fantastic job!
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