Happiness is…

  • Finding my favorite sweater in a back pack when I thought I had left it in another state. YAY!simmie in my favorite sweater...the ugly sweater!
  • Pre-ordering tickets for the first showing of Harry Potter #3 and not being embarrassed by my small personal indulgence.
  • Fuzzy kisses from my dog and ferrets.
  • Knowing that Pat’s business is going to pay for his plane ticket back to Phoenix so he can train with the phoenix office and then do his jail time (1 day). The jail time thing sucks, but not having to pay for the plane ticket saves me about $300. They are also paying for 2 days of a rental car…saving me another $60-$100.
  • Knowing that the pile of laundry in the other room is going to be finished today…

okay, so that last one isn’t really a good one, but I have to get going on it. There are things that need to get washed because Pat needs to take them to Phoenix with him.


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May 28, 2004

have a good weekend