I’d like some rain…:)

The one hour meeting at Syngenta turned into two hours. It wasn’t bad, though – it flew by, except for, of course, the pesticide video. πŸ™‚ That was hysterical. The pay isn’t exceptional (minimum wage for us newbies), but considering it’ll be 40+ hour weeks, I’ll still make a decent amount. It’s six days a week, though, which I didn’t know. But that’s not really a problem – it’ll help us hit the 50 hours a week mark (that means time and a half pay). Work will start anytime between the 15th and the 22nd (it depends on the rain). I was probably the oldest one at the meeting, which was rather strange, but I met two sweet girls (they’re in high school, I’m not sure what grade, though) and I recognize Jay from SOMEwhere, so it’ll be fun. One guy was a real jerk, but I don’t think Jon would REALLY mind if I smacked him around a little. πŸ™‚ Jon’s cool, just as I remember him. Everything seems pretty simple – I just need to figure out what to bring on the first day. I can ask Mitch about that, he knows all about it, obviously.

I’m kind of excited to work – I hope I get to meet the other people who are already “on line,” as Jon puts it. I made sure my folder was in order, signed the pile of lists, left Mitch a note, and came home. I’m now absorbed in “personal TLC,” passing the time while waiting for a phone call. As soon as it comes (or once it gets past about 2:30), I’ll be heading to the library. It’s been WAY too long since I’ve been there and I keep putting it off.

Okay, I really am leaving. I promise! πŸ™‚

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I remember that video! Glad I’m not doing that anymore. lol πŸ™‚

pesticide video.well thats a new one. but why were u watching such a thing?oh well.my b-day is may 31th…its weird how many ppl are gemini’s..but cool.Go figure, a person being born between may and june…thats like, RARE. haha. live well, and doubt not.<3Erin

ryn: over $350 working 10 days

July 10, 2002

we’ll see if your enthusiasm stays as you begin your countless hours in the sun.

hey jen, what are you going to be doing? lol are you working when you get up to madison? i was job hunting today up there online. ah it’s crazy the jobs people post lol so did mitch get his money situation figured out? i think mine…. ::holgs breath :: is somewhat on track… i’ve been emailing the damn office like crazy today. mwuh. talk to you later girlie. coop