


Mornings are my favorite; waking up long before the world does, when the sky is still a black canopy and the birds haven’t yet begun their seranades. The woods are dark and quiet and still when I take Maggie out in the mornings, my breath a frosty cloud around my head. Down the familiar road and back, the starshine our only light.

Coffee and devotional time with my beloved husband is one of the highlights of my day. There we lay our souls bare, pouring out our needs before our Heavenly Father; He knows what we have need of, even before we ask. His provision has always sustained us, and continues to do so, as we move into this new phase of our lives.

I don’t yet have a routine established; each day is an adventure, a gift to be opened and explored. Some days I do inside chores, cleaning cabinets, sorting through my desk, scrubbing baseboards. Other times the blue and green days beckon me outside and I find myself raking, weeding and planting.

Yesterday morning found me at the grocery store by 4:30am. By 6:30 I was home again; groceries had been bought and put away, and the inside chores done. Outside, I finished painting the lattice-work under the deck, a project that had been abandoned last year when I got sick and was hospitalized. The half-painted wood stood as a silent reminder of those dark days, when I wasn’t sure if I would live or not. It was such a good feeling to see this finally completed, and one more way to grind my heel into the head of the enemy. Afterward, I raked leaves and hauled 4 wheelbarrow-loads deep into the woods, before finally moving inside to cook supper.

I sleep well at night, content with who and where I am for now. True, sorting laundry does not require the same level of skill and concentration as calculating chemo doses, and loading the dishwasher doesn’t have the same far-reaching effect of writing prescriptions and assessing for side effects. But I have simply come to another season of my life, different but no less important. God is giving me this season of rest, this season of other work, and I am relishing it.

I have been offered my first job since retirement: a couple from church that are friends with Summer and Tay are expecting their first child next month. They have asked me to be baby Lydia’s nanny when her mommy returns to work, a job I have joyfully accepted. How much fun will that be, watching over a precious newborn a couple of days a week? Another new adventure that I look forward to with anticipation; I count it as good practice for being a grandmother, "someday."

Chuck and I work out at the gym three days a week, and I feel myself becoming stronger and more resiliant. He and I spend more time together these days, we laugh more, we dream and plan more. These are precious times.

Tomorrow night I begin Wednesday night classes for the ladies at church; I covet your prayers over this endeavor. It has been a long time since I have ministered to this many ladies at one time, and while I look forward to it with anticipation, I also realize that it has to come from Him, not me. If He doesn’t show up, I might as well go home. I truly want these classes to touch their hearts and change their lives. Please pray that my words will be His Words, and that He will use me as a willing vessel.

The sun has risen; I can smell the honeysuckle blooming,  and the birds are calling to one another from the depths of the green woods.  He has given us another day, another chance to get things right. I am off to untie the ribbons of this day, and see what gifts lie there. We are one day closer.


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April 24, 2012

I am honored to remember your Wednesday ministry my friend, and will do so each week. I am certain that He shall be there alongside you as you open His Word for these ladies to hear and take to heart. *HUG* I’m thinking the nanny job is a nice fit, but I really doubt you’ll need any practice to be the perfect granny when the time comes. 😉

April 24, 2012

since HE always shows up…i know all your words, straight from your heart (HIS heart) will be beautiful and perfect. as always…i love your entries. such a nice way to start my own mornings.

April 24, 2012

may your gifts all be beautifull

April 24, 2012

it sounds like you have a very fulfilling life now. what fun to care for an infant. will be challenging when the baby becomes a toddler. prayers for your wednesday night ladies class. i love early mornings. and the birds waking up. and the sun providing a bit of light a little at a time. take care,

April 24, 2012

You and I have something in common! Early morning riser & a coffee lover! We walk in the early morning hours and we love nature! Awesome … Who knows … perhaps one day I shall meet you and let us wake up early to watch the morning sun and the nature – and with two cups of coffee, please! *smile*

April 24, 2012

Thank You for speaking that word of blessing, over me, Gina.I know that I am uplifted by the prayers of my friends & my group.I pray that when you stand before other people, to teach, that thay will see Jesus in you, and fall in love all over again. Love you lots, Emmi

April 24, 2012

Oh, what a Blessed baby that will be, having you for a nanny. I can’t imagine a more tender and giving soul to share! I will think of you on Wednesday, but like Terri says, he always shows up for you..simply because he live for him, and with him, and he NEVER leaves!

April 25, 2012

I followed you here from a friend’s diary. Thanks for this inspiring entry.