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I could always feel the smile in my moms voice whenever I talked to her on the phone. I can still hear her voice. Sometimes I think back on things and it just seems stupid, to not have her in my life. It doesn’t make a lot of sense. I see other people with their moms in their life and they really don’t get it, many don’t get how lucky they are to have a good mom that is just a phone call away (notall moms are great but there are many that are). Each year it will not get easier, but at the same time, it isn’t quite as hard. The hard starts to soften, but it takes a long time. And it hardens back up with big events, like meeting a great guy, kids, graduating, moving to the big city, all these events and no phone call available to us. Slowly time heals, but man, it’s slow.

December 26, 2013

I often feel that way about my Mom too 🙁