The day is here…not quite….soon

Tomorrow begins my last semester of Graduate school. I have two summer classes I hope to take but my degree will technically be finished in May and I will Graduate in May. The two summer classes are just to extend my certifications to make me more employable/marketable. 

I’m nervous about tomorrow. I have to begin student teaching. I know how to teach but you never really stop learning. I hope my supervising teacher is great and teaches me some helpful methods. It’s 4th grade general education. I’m not into 4th grade but I’ll go with it. After 5-6weeks with her I switch to a special education room. I’m hoping that is a younger grade. My commute is long and I have never been there so I’m nervous. Once I do a day or two back and forth I’ll feel more confident. 

James is still being mr. Perfect. It helps me stay level headed and focused on life when he is supportive. I enjoy this. 

Not looking forward to my change in pay once I begin tomorrow. I am getting cut because I am losing a day plus about 2hrs every morning. I still have evenings and weekends with the twins and I’ll take them earlier at night so the other nanny can leave (except the one night I have class till 9pm so I won’t return here till 11pm).  My two college classes are on the same night which means only one trip to campus a week. That makes me happy. 

I’ve been potty-training the twins. It was going perfectly but the other nanny and their mother are terrible about it so this is going to be an overly long process. They pee whenever I ask them to, they tell me they need to pee sometimes (they don’t give a ton of warning) but as soon as the other adults in their lives take over, they pee on the floor or cry for a diaper. I get so pissed. They are fine for me! I take them on playmates, to the store, to the coffee shop etc. There are zero accidents when I have them and I only ask if they need to pee about once an hour. I don’t get how the other adults can forget to ask them. Do they think a shit-ton of laundry and a puddle of piss is fun?!? 

The dogs are being forced to sleep in the kitchen. My boss walks them at 5:30am so she wakes me up every morning being loud and wakes the girl twin up as well. The girl then cries till 6am when she goes and gets here. I suggested not slamming the door or walking around the house in heels. Let’s see what happens. 

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