
People are not donating to the Buddy Walk this year at all. I’m extremely upset about this. Last year we raised over $3,000 and this year out team is bigger but with over $2,200 less donations so far! Please go back to either of my last two entries to donate. I would truly appreciate it.


I went to visit my sister last week. I was sad to see how she is treated by her husband. She was weak and powerless in front of him. He spoke down to her and me all week. I wanted to scream. I spoke up a few times. We fought a few times. My sister was yelled at all week. She said he’s "stressed" but I think this is his true personality coming out. He’s always been sarcastic and rude but this was terrible. I saw my aunt and she said the same exact thing. This is him.


I’m on vacation with my boss and the twins. We are having an okay time. They are really difficult children compared to their peers. Her mother is coming this afternoon for two or three days then her boyfriend will come and be with us from Thursday till Saturday night when we leave. I’m honeslty not looking forward to either. I love both of them but not for long periods of time and when we are on vacation. Her mother spoils the children and is loud and silly all the time. The children act extra crazy when she is around. She also is VERY opinionated which is annoying when we have a great routine going. She just upsets the balance. My boss’ boyfriend is sweet but they are overly affectionate and it makes things awkward for me. I rather not see my boos thrusting her ass into his crotch and grabbing his ass every few minutes. I think it’s worse because he is married still and lives with his wife. They are legally separated but living in the same house with 4 kids. He is a rabbi and I am just completely turned off by the situation.

My law student crush is super sweet and we speak/text often. I am hoping to see him next week, after vacation.


James didn’t call ALL last week expect for Thursday and I haven’t spoken to him since Thursday. I have tried, he ignores my calls. Not sure what I did this time or if he is just busy/being James. No matter what, I’m not pleased.


Next week starts more free time for me. I’m planning a day trip to Philly, an overnight to CT, time with Matthew (law student) and time with Dan (friend from college). I’m also hoping Lisa andd come overnight and maybe Amanda. That’s a lot before classes begin Sept 7th.

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