Strong as I can be right now…


I ignored the texts from James that I knew would come. They were not mean, but he does not deserve my time…now, then, or ever again.
Babies are over the pacifiers. One nap is rough, the boy is not ready. The girl is more ready but not quite there yet either. This means a ton of crankiness in the evenings. It will get better. We’ve been having play-dates which are nice. Plus we have a few classes with them, keeps us all busy and moving.
Tomorrow I’m supposed to see a good friend and her family. I hope it works out!
I have a quiz tomorrow and a midterm Tuesday. I gave a presentation Wednesday of this past week.
I joined an online dating website…I’m not sure I will ever meet anyone offline in real life (tried that at 16 or 17) but who knows. So far, nobody really seems of interest to me. Lots of people have sent me messages, most I ignore. A few I did reply to just because they didn’t repulse me but I doubt any of them will be the one or ones I decide to go have a drink or coffee with.
My leg is getting stronger. I walked about 3miles Friday; about 1.4 miles at a time twice then the other random blocks later. I took the babies to a class then walked back then later we went for a walk. I was sore Saturday but walked quite a bit again then. Today I walked about a mile, so not a ton. Overall I’m pleased with my progress.
I didn’t sleep well last night. I’ve been having dreams about an old friend. I really need to find out how he is. It’s bothering me a lot. Hopefully tonight I sleep well.

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March 6, 2011

Stay Strong, lovely!! You have come SO FAR!!! ((HUGE HUGS)) ~

March 6, 2011

I’m proud of you… I don’t think I could walk three miles, and I don’t really have an excuse.