Walking through life with a limp


I am doing well in my second semester of graduate school. I am taking four classes and trying hard to read and focus. I typically do not read for classes and pull off good grades but I see there is a ton of work this semester and I don’t want to slip up. I am going to work as hard as possible to maintain my A’s. I ended up with good grades last semester even with the accident and inability to be in classes for the majority of the semester. I’m happy to be back and in the classroom.
My leg is sore but doing well. The doctor was extremely pleased with my progress a few weeks ago. He cannot believe how quickly my leg is healing. The xrays looked great to my doctor and better to me. I didn’t feel like crying when I walked out which was much better than previous appointments. I walk without crutches or a cane. I barely limp in the morning but by the end of the day I limp a lot. I am always in some form of pain but I’m okay with it. It is getting better slowly. I can walk about 4-6 blocks at a time before it really hurts. I try to keep it to about 3 blocks then a quick rest then a few more blocks. I don’t want to further injure myself or slow my healing process. I am very self concious about the limp but trying to act like it doesn’t bother me.
Work is going well. I love living in NYC and I love living with my boss and her babies. The other nanny does a few things that drive me insane but overall she is good and I’m comfortable giving her the babies when it’s her work hours.
James is still being great. No complaints other than a title. I don’t expect one but I crave one.
I went out to dinner with an old friend last night. He is a Bronx firefighter and I always had a crush on him and he always had a crush on me. We had a quiet meal at a diner where we chatted but were not bothered because it was basically empty. We then walked around arm in arm a few blocks and had great conversation. We couldn’t go far because of my leg but we had a nice little walk. We also went for a short car ride because he wanted to see where a specific building was. Overall it was good conversation, an enjoyable evening and a hug goodnight. We behaved like the adults we should be rather then the hormone driven teens we use to be together. We have never had sex but have come quite close about 4-5yrs ago. This was a nice change of pace. “Grown-up” dates are nice once in a while. Maybe there are more in my future.  

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February 10, 2011

It sounds like that after the wreck you had a limp isn’t much to complain of.