Things are a little different here in Egypt.
I’m not sure when this entry will get posted since the cable to this part of the city has been cut. Apparently someone wanted the copper so they cut the line. Fortunately they were not able to cut it in 2 places and actually steal it like last time (Jan). The repairs should be easier. Unfortunately it is Labor Day here so many people aren’t working. That means at least a day before the repair is even thought about. After that I’m sure there will be lots of loud discussion and cigarette smoking before any work actually gets done. Meanwhile we’re disconnected from the outside world and all of the support information we need to do our jobs. Tomorrow there is a global teleconference that the plant manager and I need to attend. He’s looking into options such as calling the company down the road since they used to have their own satellite system for communication. Only the mobile phones are working around here right now.
Alexandria is quite run down compared to 50 years ago. After the king was overthrown and foreigners thrown out the place has run into hard times. Everywhere I go it looks like a war has taken place. Piles of rubble are everywhere. The sidewalks are ripped up in most places with no obvious work going on to repair them. There were 3 huge fires by the roadside on the way from the airport. Piles of black smoke were billowing from them. The drives said it was trash but it must have also contained oil to make it burn well. Oil processing is everywhere and huge smokestacks are flaring off natural gas. They’re visible for miles in the night sky.
The place is a real dichotomy though because the places that overlook the Mediterranean have a fantastic view. The sun is setting a little north of west right now so it’s right over the water. The new library is supposed to be really something to see. In the hotel (Hilton Green Nile) things are similar. On my pillow was a fresh pink rose along with the TV remote but the door would not open without me calling maintenance and they forgot to leave me a face towel. They really try hard but are very inconsistent. The one thing where they are consistent is that everything take time. Check in is very laborious and I remember check out to be even worse. Can’t wait for Thursday.
The audit at the plant is going about as expected. The good thing is that the plant has improved since last year so we won’t be as hard on them. Things have been pretty hectic and I haven’t taken the time to do any yoga or meditation. I need to unwind tonight.
I have a brother who is a contractor and hardly a day passes where new construction isn’t pilfered of the copper wire and plumbing. The environmental poisoning in other countries flabbergasts me. RYN: Borrow the style anytime. and… I used to throw hay near Red Oak a lifetime ago.
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When I went to see the Panama canal, our guide was an ex American marine and he was almost in tears over how the buildings that used to be the American base have been allowed to get run down. NOT the canal itself but that is because, our guide said, that the Americans will take it back if it is allowed to deteriorate…
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I LOVED Africa. In Kenya, my husband said they stole copper phone wire to make jewelry to sell to tourists. LOL. Isn’t it so wonderfully exotic, while nothing like anything you’ve seen on TV or the movies? Wonderful, because it’s like stepping out of time. You look around you and so much is so different, yet it works. Some things are a little scary, but that’s exciting in a way? It’s so ordinary to the people around you, yet for you, it’s just mind-warping in a great way? That was my experience in Kenya. I would love to go to Egypt.
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I was thrilled when I read you were about to go to Suisse and Eygpt. Wonderful opportunity to see first hand how other humans live although I’d not go Eygpt if I had other alternatives. It’s so great that one can get online and post from so many places in the world, maybe even Antartica. (can’t spel for poop, shesh). I worry for your safety while way out in the world, but so happy that you arehaving these great opportunities.
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Hmmm … I guess I was expecting better accomodations and hospitality in Egypt. I guess it’s like most every place else.
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your job must be very interesting…
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