AAA Rescue and Critter Update w pic

Last night we went to The Dinner Bell – a drive in place Diane likes. We were in the mood for junk food after spending 2 1/2 hours getting the garage set up for a sale. I had a couple beers and was starting to get a little buzz going. Well, we finish our meal and Diane orders an ice cream to go. When I turn the key – nothing. (btw – this is the Alero, not the Taurus I spen $600 on this week). I’m bumming. Hardly in the mood to deal with this. Then I remember about our AAA membership. I call the 800 number and the lady on the line is just great. She makes sure we’re OK  and in a safe place. Then she contacts the local AAA van and tells me they’ll be there by 9:18pm (it’s 8:03). Privately she tells me it should be a lot sooner. Before Diane can finish her cone the van is there and has the car started. A handshake and we’re on our way. Felt good. Real peace of mind.

So, this morning I went out and got a new Die Hard and put it in the car. $94 for their best one – should be the last one I need. The car is 5 1/2 years old. (Old battery is a 5 year one. Amazing how close they design those puppies!)

Got my taxes finished this morning. Actually I filed my federal in early February cus I was getting $2000 back! Two days later  I got my 1099G from the state reminding me of the refund from last year. Of course I forgot and didn’t include it as income – So, I had to file an amended return for the first time. (The Tax Cut software sucks for that. I could have done it much faster by hand. Ended up taking over an hour and calling their 800 number to find out how to overwrite their figures) Grrrrr.  Had to pay in $700 to the state so I held off as long as I could. Local taxes are even crazier. They tax me on deferred income unlike Federal, State or the municipality where I work. So, this year I started receiving some of the deferred income to pay for Justin’s college. After paying local taxes in the town where I work I should end up getting everything back from my town. Problem is that when I use their on-line system it says I still owe. So, I filed manually following their directions and told them to send me a check.  We’ll see where this ends up.

I haven’t mentioned that Diane got me a bird feeder and a bird house for my birthday. The house is shaped like a face and the entrances are up the nose. I hung them on right away. This morning when I looked out there was a house finch (or purple finch – not sure) checking out things. Maybe we’ll get a brood this year.

On the critter down side – Diane rescued a squirrel this week from what she described as a seizure. she put him in a box and coverd him with brush to keep our cats away. Three hours later he’s gone. We haven’t seen him yet but we’ll know him cus he’s got a mark on his back.  I know they only live a couple of years in the wild anyway but I prefer they die where Diane doesn’t have to see it.


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March 31, 2007

*random* That is the coolest bird house I have ever seen!

March 31, 2007

Taxes, taxes, taxes….sheesh. Birdhouse is all Diane. We seem to be shy of birds this year. Wonder? Lookin’ to see ya next Friday.

April 2, 2007

This is really sweet :). I love the birdhouse! Too funny!

April 2, 2007

Hey, E.! Tell Diane that the CDs she sent me arrived today {Monday} I will thank her in person when I see you both this weekend! Looking forward to it.

Goodness me, this is the first explanation I’ve seen of why so many USA-folk sigh and moan at tax-time. We pay income tax to the Commonwealth (Federal) Government, and that’s it. If you run a business and maybe you are self-employed, so that would also make some difference here, but in general we pay income taxes, and business taxes to one body. Local Government is funded by property taxes, but unless you dispute the valuation, you just pay it, and there are taxes on eg the sale of one’s home, but nothing like the annual taxes you seem to speak of. Hmmm,I didn’t realise how lucky I am!