2007 Goals

It’s New Years Day – 2007. Like many folks I use this time to look back over the last year and look ahead to the next. I haven’t given too much thought to my goals for this year so I’ll just ramble on and see what pops up. I tend to focus on 3 main areas – Physical, Mental and Social/Emotional 


PHYSICAL –  I noticed the first signs of loss of muscle tone this year and my excersize buddies are nearly all younger than me. At times I worry that I’ll be able to keep up. They all push me and I seem to do fine but often I feel that I’ve had to work harder than them.

  1.  I’ll be skiing with a group (all younger than me) in March and it’s the first time I’ve skiied in 7 years (not counting the afternoon at the bunny slope near here). I’ve got 9 weeks to get my legs back.
  2. My boss is planning a 100 mile bike ride this year and my primary riding buddy is talking about the MS "Pedal to the Point" ride which is 150 miles over 2 days. My old riding buddy did it last year. I think I need to keep in shape through the winter and kick it in early to be in good enough shape to do either or both of these rides. (I did my only century ride 2 years ago)
  3. Upper body strength work. Mild weights, I think. Probably should set a 12 week program of 3 times per week.
  4. Hiking – My closest brother, Mike, wants to take up backpacking. He’s a very driven person which I’ve written about in the prior entrys. He’s a year younger than me but in much better shape than me. I need to have my legs ready and also some cardiovascular work for this.
  5. Golf – Possibly. Not until I take some lessons. Probably not this year.
  6. Nutrition – Reduce intake of trans fat and take another step away from eating meat. We agreed that we would stop buying any more pork products. Pigs are the most intelligent of the primary animals we eat in this country so we decided to start there.

I think I need to start a 12 week weight training program, incorporate something for the quadraceps and continue with my daily brisk 2 1/4 mile walks. As soon as the weather breaks I need to get out on the bike. I’ll set goals for each of these.

MENTAL –  I’m not sure which way I want to stretch my mind this year. I like to have something. It keeps life interesting and keeps you young.

  1. Now that Justin is in college I have the time to take a class at the local community college if I want. First glance didn’t turn up anything interesting except maybe photography. Not sure about that.
  2. Forestry is a definate interest but I’m not sure where to begin to find out about options for this.
  3. Economics has been an area of interest lately. I read a handful of books last year and may continue along this path.

Doesn’t sound like I have anything too concrete in this area. We’ll see what pops up.

EMOTIONAL/ SOCIAL – Lots of tentative plans have already surfaced. I have a handful of good friends although none of them live near me so I need to make an effort to see all of them. I also have 8 siblings and none of them live near me either so I need to make an effor there also. For me it’s more than just "getting together". I really thrive on "connecting" with friends and family. Small talk bores me. (One would wonder why my diary is so petty much of the time? Food for thought.)

  1. April 7 – My niece, Shawna, is getting married. We’ll be heading back to Vermont for that. Justin and Nichole may come too. Justin is looking into the possibility of having his roomate rent a plane and fly them up. If the price is even close to reasonable I would like to consider that so they can have the experience.
  2. July 4th – We’re planning to go to Kentucky to celebrate with Nichole’s dad. Since we’ll be in the area I would like to visit Randy and Kelly at their lake house in southern Indiana.
  3.  One of the couples we like in N. Carolina are currently not living together. It’s not something they have been willing to share openly so it makes it uncomfortable. I want to plan another summer vacation with them. Need to get moving on this.
  4. March 6 – Ski trip planned with my buddy, Mike. Perhaps I can fit in a day trip to see my brother and his family in Colorado Springs.
  5. May 15 – My youngest brother, Scott is getting promoted to Captain in the Air Force. The ceremony will be in California. It would be nice to be part of that. He is the brother I know the least and he doesn’t like to talk about things that are important to him. This might be a chance to connect. It could also be a disappointment.
  6. Bennington – My friends Tim and Julie are there and I didn’t see them at Christmas. I need to schedule a business trip up there and connect with them.
  7. I need to plan a hike with my brother, Mike over in New Hampshire.
  8. I need to take a weekend and go see my brother Dale in Olean, NY. I think late January or February would be good so we can get a ski in.

Wow. I better print this thing off and get moving on some plans! Why am I sitting here at the computer. Life awaits!!!!



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January 1, 2007

Nice picture! I like the way you group your goals into categories…

January 1, 2007

Great open entry about future living, straight from the shoulder. I would think that a piece of the Long Trail might be appropriate for backpacking with bro Mike. You’re right, lots of stuff to do and think about. Get crackin.’ I should talk….