
I guess I’m unofficially doing NoJoMo… I’m gonna give it a shot anyways! I’ve had this diary for what, 7 or 8 years? It’s time to start using it!

So I’m supposed to go back to work on November 21st. I hate, hate, hate my job. I can’t even imagine going back to work there, especially now. It’s so far from home, I hate to be so far away from the baby. I literally work 30 miles from home. By the time I drive to the babysitter’s and to work and back, I’ll be putting 100 miles on my car everyday.

I’ve put my application in for a job closer to home. It’ll be a paycut, but I was planning on reducing my work hours anyways so it’ll actually even out. It’s a state job, so the benefits are decent. And, it’s 5 miles from my house! And I have a friend that works there already. I need to call and check on my application! I just hate calling people…


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November 2, 2009

Hey now that’s my birthday! A paycut isn’t really so bad considering the wear and tear on your car and the gas it takes!! 🙂 Best of luck getting the job that’s closer to home! 😀