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My trip was wonderful! The drive was long (9 hours), and I made it at night, in the rain! Ewwww! I had such a great time with Danny. I met his family and some friends. We spent alot of time together, the whole time I was there actually.

I started on the way up there… blech. He said he was just happy to see me. He’s so wonderful.

I really hope things continue to work well between us. It’s so beautiful and peaceful up there. I would definitely like to live there… well, not in VA but in NC. Taxes are way too high in VA. I’ve been looking on the internet at houses in that area. I want to buy my own house. One that is mine! Prices in the area are definitely in my price range. It would be cheaper for me to pay a mortgage on a 3 bedroom home there than paying rent on this 1 bedroom apartment is here!

So it’s definitely a possibility…

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November 1, 2007

Glad you had a good trip!