Being a Woman…

Yes folks, it’s that time of year again.  That Pap Smear time of year… LoL.  Time to pur your feet up… in the stirrups!  Lay back, relax, scoot your butt forward.  And when the doc says "This is just my finger" you think to yourself "I sure as hell hope so!".  LoL

Tims for a new BC script…. any suggestions?

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April 1, 2006

Tims = Time… I don’t know a Tim.

April 1, 2006

really, any birth control is good birth control I think! Gotta hate gyno visits *cringes* ~KVL

April 1, 2006

*random noter* yuckaroo.. I hate the gyno visits. always,

ugh BC and drs, SUCKAGE MAJOR! I got the idea for her name from your name lol. Then i thought, well Luna is spanish for the moon. And my other Budgie is yellow so Sol ( soul) is the spanish word for sun. Lovely! hehe.