Bathroom chunder

So I’m still in absolute shock that Tom Daley has come out.  Well, come out as "Bi", but we all know that’s a stepping stone at his age 😛  So pretty much the entire homo-community is going nuts over it.  If you haven’t seen his vid, it’s kinda cute!  Waaaay too young for me of course (haha I say after my rendezvous with the 18 year old a few days ago), but I certainly still look, and may or may not have had his shirtless pics as my computer wallpaper for some time now 😛 

As for MY life, well, I doubt I’ll get as much attention as the young chap in the video above will get after this, but I’m doing alright 🙂 
I went out with some of my workmates after work on Saturday night.  We started and finished early so that we were able to, which was cool, so we got out by 10:30pm instread of midnight.  We went to the usual watering-hole, and a few of us were starving, so I went to the bar and ordered two drinks (one for me and a workmate) and a plate of nachos, so that the food would come out as quick as possible.  I’d taken out $200 at the ATM, as I figured why not have a big night haha.  Pretty much $50 was gone in the first order, although I wouldn’t have to order food anymore after that because others would get it.
Drinks were flowing and everyone was chatty, and it was just a really good atmosphere.  The security guard was really nice to let my manager in as he didn’t have an 18+ card or a license, so had printed off a copy of his birth certificate and his image (which was barely visible in black ink lol) and he somehow let him in!  I had to laugh when my old manager Jason yelled out, "Hey Jon!  Is that a letter from your mum??"  HAHA!
So we were off to a good start.
The conversations were all over the place, to do with work (of course) and who we liked and didn’t like and then of course it got onto sex, and I was on about my 3rd or 4th cocktail.  I was downing long-island iced teas and slamming the glass on the table when I’d finished, as my workmate was still drinking his,
"Beaten by a GAY guy!  How do you feel!?" I chanted.  Haha, I was Goooooooooooonnnne. 
By then, I didn’t care.  I asked everyone how big their dicks were.  It took a few attempts to get ANY sort of answer out of any one of them!  I kept saying, "I still haven’t heard an answer to my question!" whenever they would talk about something else haha!  My manager held up two straws and denoted the size of his (lengthwise at least) and my old manager told us all that he didn’t have the nickname "Big WIllie" for nothing.  Haha!  Of course I prodded and his is apparently 8.3inches.  NOICE!  I think I guessed my managers at about 7.5 or so, but who knows.  No-one else really answered, although I did find out a few interesting things as the boys got more and more drunk haha, such as my manager and his best friend used to "compare their sizes together" LOL.
At one point, I had two of the guys on their phones to each others girlfriends to confirm their penis sizes to me LOL.  At another point they all stood up and wanted to flop their dicks out on the table LOL.  Of course, they weren’t that stupid, but still – hilarious for me!
I had to laugh and told them all that they were gayer than when I hang out with my GAY friends!

It’s nice they can be comfortable around me 🙂  There was a football game on the TV’s and Australia was kicking New Zealand’s arse in it, so everyone else in the open-air venue was cheering whenever another touchtown was made.  We’d all clap along.  One of my workmates decided to challenge the big beefy security guard to an arm-wrestle.  I bet him $5 that he’d lose to the security guard.  Once the security guard checked if it was okay with his boss, he sat down at the table and the arm-wrestle began.  He complained that he was actually quite weak and that he’d lose, but I encouraged him all the way.  "C’mon security!  You can beat him Security!  You’ve almost got him Security!"
When the security guard slammed my workmates hand down on the table I cheered!  Woohoo!
My workmate actually coughed up the cash too.  Handed me a tenner instead of the five bet.

Me, getting the boys to flex their biceps so I could feel them up haha.

After that, we went to the Down Under bar, which is usual for us, except this time there was no such luck getting my manager in with his dodgy legal-age documents haha.  And by the time they were done arguing with the bouncers, it was lockout and they wouldn’t let us in anyway.  I had to laugh at my manager’s lame attempts to pick up chicks.  he was talking to two of them and was saying things like "These are my friends," and introducing people to them.  There was a running joke all night that he’s a virgin (which he claims he isn’t), and I’d actually written "VIRGIN" in big letters across the top of his birth certificate.  Marty was also standing back filming Jon talking to the chicks, and providing David Attenbrough-esque commentary such as, "This is the male species, attempting miserably to pick up women."  Sooooo funny.

So because we couldn’t get into the Down Under bar, I suggested everyone come back to my place.  I didn’t know what alcohol I had in the cupboard, but I knew I had some!  So we all got back here, and I got out everything I had and put it on the counter.  We’d stopped off at 7/11 to get mixers, which were only Sprite, but hey that’ll do.
I realised I still had my German alcohol where the label is all not in English and remembered you have to set it alight, so the boys tried some of that after lighting their "Flaming Moes" so to speak.
One of my workmates suggested doing the cinnamon challenge.  Unfortunately I didn’t have any cinnamon, but I pretended I did, and gave him hot chilli powder instead.  I missed it, but apparently he actually didit!!  He was then saying how much his throat was on fire and then he rubbed his eyes LOL.  Oh God.  Luckily nothing bad came of it.
Marty was so drunk and decided to mix a shot of every bottle on the counter with a dash of every spice in my spice rack.  Needless to say, the smell alone was enough to make you hurl.  I actually recorded him drinking it on my phone, but it’s on facebook so I’m not sure if it’ll work here haha. 



My manager didn’t last much longer and half made it to my bathroom, vomiting everywhere.  Everyone else stood at the doorway, laughing and filming him

All in all, it was a good night and everyone left here around about 4:30am.  I called a cab for the final two here.  I left the mess to clean up in the morning.  I was a bit sad it seemed to have ended so suddenly.  I still wanted to party.  I resigned to the fact I’d had fun, I quickly did a mop of the bathroom to clean up the leftover vomit, and I went to bed.

I drank heaps of water before bed, as I was soooooo drunk and I know I need to rehydrate before bed.  It worked.  Woke up with no hangever and even went into work.  My manager looked a bit worse for wear.

Fun times!

I can’t believe I turn 30 tomorrow.  My GOD time flies!

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December 2, 2013

Sounds like fun. Actually, that sounds a lot like my life! Drunk straight men everywhere. Totally me.

December 2, 2013

Sounds like a great night 🙂

December 2, 2013

Lol!! Me and my mates discuss penis length in comparison to straws! Mind you it’s always a ridiculous estimate because we are yet to figure out how long a standard straw actually is lol

December 3, 2013

Happy birthday!! I love Long Island Ice Teas. Haven’t had one for years though, I don’t drink much these days.

I can’t stop laughing! It sounds like an awesome fun night! I wish you lived here or I lived there because you would be so much fun to hang out with. And, hey, I thought you guys used the metric system down there? What’s this inches thing? LOL Happy Birthday, Matt!!!

December 5, 2013

Happy birthday. You’ll always be young to me xxxx. Love that you have straight male friends. I love seeing the new wave of straight guys who don’t feel they have to “prove” they are straight by treating gay guys badly. It’s a nicer world we live in and will be even better once all the old homophobic farts get dementia.

December 6, 2013

Fucking hilarious. Comparing dick sizes? Arm wrestling. If only I lived in Australia…