Night six of seven

 I had night-out 6 last night, out of the past 7 nights.  What a crazy week it has been 🙂  Fun.  I had Monday night off.

I didn’t really have that great of a time last night out at Fluffy however.  There were a few cute guys that were nice to look at, and the club was packed with all the levels open, and saw a couple of people I knew, but there were more I didn’t get to say hi to and I didn’t speak to one of the cuties when he was alone 🙁  Ah well.  I had two Fruit Tingles, and that was all I had there.  The first one was only $9, which a chick gave me, but when I got a second I was charged $16 by a guy.  Ah well, I got one cheap one 🙂

Sneaky Sound System were playing.  I haven’t really liked them since I saw a live show of theirs years ago, but they really redeemed themselves last night.  The lead singer put on a great show, and there was one stage where something from the ceiling burst and the whole club was covered in confetti.  I have to say that was the highlight of my night!

I can’t say it was a horrible night out, but it definitely could have been better.  My housemates were always in the smoking area and that’s the one thing I hate about being a non-smoker – is the social aspect, but I guess it’s worth not getting lung cancer over.  I was out for quite a while, a lot longer than Sunday night, and I’d wore my blue leopard jeans out which I haven’t been able to fit into for a while, and just a singlet with a pocket and my boots.  I thought I looked pretty good 🙂

I did have to wonder if I’m getting too old for clubbing.  I can’t dance, I don’t drink much and I don’t do drugs, so the whole thing just should be completely out of proportion for me to even be a part of.  Let alone actually going up to a cute guy there.

Turns out me and the housemates all got home around the same time.  I ordered Maccas on my way home – a 20 pack chicken nuggets and sauce.  Why does post-clubbing food have to be so appealing?

There’s pics of me and the housemates somewhere, but who knows where they are.

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August 14, 2013

I’ve been utterly craving chicken nuggets this week… I refuse to eat them unless I make them myself but I just don’t have that type of energy this week. 🙂 However, I do agree with you about the whole smoking thing It’s…. it’s just…. every time I catch a smell of smokers I throw up a little bit. Nasty habit.