Stupid go-card

 I’ve got the hugest headache and I have no idea why or what the hell has caused it!  Ahhh, it was just getting worse and worse at work.

I had a pretty good day otherwise, only getting out of bed at 3pm lol.  That’s pretty bad but meh.  I knew I had work at 7pm but decided to try and get a workout in, so I went to Milton and did so.

The. hottest. guy. in. the. gym. asked. me. to. spot. him!!!

For some reason he was wearing jeans.  Jeans at the gym!  He had a tight singlet on though 🙂  He thanked me for my help.  I did a lot better than the last time someone asked me to spot them and I had no idea what I was doing lol!  Embarrassing that was at the time.

For some reason, my Go-Card wouldn’t touch-off at Milton station 🙁  Great.  No matter what I did, it just kept reading, "Touch card again."  I rang them and told them the problem and I got some queen on the other end of the phone, telling me it was their systems and not my card.  I knew that was bullshit – obviously my card has had it, but he was using the whole ‘customer is always right’ thing and telling me they’d send someone out to fix the machines.  I knew it wasn’t the machines cos others were using them fine!

Anyway, I didn’t have time to fuck around so I did my gym session and it was pretty good.  I had to improvise the smith machine for the bicep curl cos two guys were hogging it, as usual.  Meh that’s okay.  I was still checking out my spot-fella lol.

So because my card wouldn’t work, I had to walk home.  I got home and I rang Translink again and spoke to a nice lady who refunded me my $10 fine (which they automatically give on trains if you don’t touch off).  I asked her if I got a new card, could I transfer the balance, and she said that was fine.  Good!  I’ve had my card for years now anyway – it’s probably time for a new one.

Work seemed to drag on a bit tonight, but then the last hour seemed to fly by.  Awesome.  I’m meant to be going to check out a guy I know’s new house tomorrow up on the northside, so hopefully that’s fun 🙂

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Jeans at the gym = worst idea EVER. I mean, really; nothing about them is a well-thought-out thing.

I hate when people hog machines at the gym. That and the grunters! You know, the guys who sound like they are having a really painful bowel movement when they lift. Ugh! I guess that’s why I never work out anymore.

The Go Cards have their benefits (cheaper fares) but I agree they are a pain. I’ve only ever used mine to go into the city on holidays – because I wouldn’t be caught dead trying to park there. YAY for hot guys at the gym!

Jeans at the gym?! Jeebus. He’s keen.

Posting this note to tell you your a Magical Person!!

October 19, 2012

love it when something like that happens – you have a bounce in your step the rest of the day