My vote on Saturday
Warning: Rare political rant…
I just wanted to compare these two interviews I’ve seen on lateline in the past week, each with the contenders for this election’s leadership. I’m not very big on politics and never have been. In the past, I have always put a ‘1’ next to the person who has the funniest-looking name on the ballot sheet.
I’m afraid to say this year, my vote will actually count, although I doubt it will make a difference (according to the polls).
Australian’s simply always want change. When a government fucks up over a term or a few, Aussies have enough and simply vote for the person who hasn’t had a chance to fuck up yet. If anyone is interested, watch the following two interviews. I watched Campbell Newman’s last week, and have to admit I was left feeling disappointed. His answers dodged questions entirely. He supports civil unions personally but being in the Liberal/National Party, that is a biiiig no no. My dad will be voting for Newman, as dad is a farmer so therefore has consistantly voted for Nationals over the years. He wasn’t happy about them combining, but hey what can you do?
Queenslander’s will understand this more, obviously –
Campbell Newman’s Interview
Anna Bligh’s Interview
So it looks like Anna is going to be packing her bags on Saturday night. Despite her answering every question fired at her compared to Campbell’s ‘Errrrrr, Ummmm’.
I’m not exactly bitter about Campbell Newman potentially becoming our new premier, but I am sad to see Anna go. I think she has done a brilliant job as the premier given the circumstances. Campbell Newman was a Lord Mayor of my city, who got things done, and Billy will probably be happy to see him in office, as he had me agreeing that a Lord Mayor as good as him should really be in a higher state of power.
I just can’t get rid of the lingering gut feeling that he gives off to me. I’ve only seen the guy in person once, when I was down in the city taking photos of the 2010 floods, and he was going around shaking everyone’s hand – except mine. Haha – vote loss to you Newman!
No I’m not voting against him because he didn’t shake my hand. I just can’t stand people who can’t give a straight answer. He’s like Tony Abbott to me in the same way he just can’t seem to take a direct hit with the dodgeball (although Tony Abbott scares the shit out of me and Campbell Newman doesn’t), and I just seem to have a lot more respect for the women leader’s of this country, including our Prime Minister and the current premier of my state.
I’ve often wondered where they get these poll-results from, cos they certainly don’t ask me 😛 I’m just a lowlife scum who only has to put a vote in to avoid the fine.
Queenslander’s want change, and it looks like it’s gunna be a landslide towards Newman. It’s very interesting to see if Newman can win his own seat however, in which case I have no idea who the hell our Premier even will be!
Sorry LNP supporters and my father. You will get your way, but my vote simply won’t count towards helping make it happen.
RYN: Thanks for stopping by! Sorry my entires aren’t all happy and joyful. Someday! 🙂 I hope you return! Writing is something I’ve been doing for YEARS! It’s a good outlet for me. Have a great Thursday! 🙂
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I had tor ead this entry and was relieved when I read you weren’t voting for Campbell Newman. Im not a QLDer but I do not like him for some reason, just something about him that makes me think he is sneaky. I also think Anna Bligh should stay in power she has done such a great job recently esp with all the floods etc. Shame I can’t vote to!
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Everyone out here votes for Bob Katter *vomit*
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Awww poor you. Feel better soon. Brains are evil for making things up! ~Random noter~
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