Bosque Bike Trail
So finally got my fat ass off the couch and rode.
Did a 22 mile loop on the Bosque Trail.
The colors are amazing!
Stole this.
If I hadnt been riding I would’ve taken a few minutes to get some of my own pics of the leaves. Perhaps I’ll go again this weekend!
I loved it. I felt like shit but that’s more because I don’t have bike shorts. i was wearing a belt, and I’m still fat.
just been bouncing back and forth in the same 7-8 pound range.
Just got an Indoor Bike Trainer. Gonna set it up in my room first thing tomorrow. Then I can ride indoors this winter.
Thank god, bc it’s getting colder and darker earlier every single day.
Sunset: 5:38pm today.
Need to get tennis shoes.
So poor and dont own a SINGLE pair of tennis.
Hit the Gym Readers,