Seasons Change

Autumn is a bittersweet time of year for me. I sit in awe of the beauty that surrounds my state during this time of year. Yet, I sit in hatred of the winter months that follow. I LOATHE winter.

Yeah, that’s right, I said it. I LOATHE winter. I am not a cold weather person at ALL.

I HATE snow.

I HATE ice on the roads.

I HATE holiday drivers.


I just hate it.

However, this year I am trying to find peace with Winter. I’m going to focus on my fitness levels this winter and instead of becoming the bundled hermit crabby crab crab in the corner that I usually am. I’m deciding to be "that runner".

"That Runner" (for those of you who dont know) is the one in ear muffs, mittens, arm warmers, long johns, wool socks and a huge scarf whose outside at 9am running mile after mile because that’s just what they do…

I am determined to be that person. I know I’m fat. I know my butt jiggles when I run. I know that I am not in the right shape to run 4 miles my first time hitting the pavement. I’m okay with that. I just want to be "that runner" so badly that I dont care if this is what I’m starting with.

I am a work of art in progress.

I dont care if the ppl who see me running point and laugh. *Fuck You D BAG* I’m out here to make myself into the hottest bitch in town…

and TRUST me… i WILL be.


With that being said tomorrow morning, I am getting up throwing on a beanie lacing up my tennis shoes and hitting the pavement with my roommate’s pit bull.

Wish Me Luck.

Be well, Readers.

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October 25, 2010

Brrr. Good luck! I hate winter too. Snow is pretty, but I hate being cold, and I get cold so easily. I’m a wimp though, I’m all about indoor workouts! Kudos on the dedication to outdoor running this time of year!

Good luck! I have a really hard time running outdoors. It kicks my ass. I run on a treadmill.

October 26, 2010

Good luck….I can’t wait till theres snow and ice….ICE SKATING!!!! 🙂

“I am a work of art in progress”….beautiful <3