Sick House

I think we just need to fumigate our whole house!! First we have Kaylyn with Strep…which she is doing a lot better now. Her biggest problem is that she cannot remember to take her antibiotic three times a day. I have to remind her every time for some reason. When I am sick I want that antibiotic. Landon woke up during the night last night throwing up and he was in the bed with us :-(. So, Jose’ and I had to strip the bed, wash sheets, spray Lysol like crazy, get Landon cleaned up and situated on the couch with blankets and towels and his throw up pan. Jose’ offered to stay up with him but I can’t go to sleep when I have one so sick no matter how tired I am. I may have gotten an hour of sleep the rest of the night. Everytime I would go to sleep he’d wake up dry heaving…he was so pitiful. I finally gave him a phenergan suppository and that gave him and me some relief. This morning at 7:00 Jose’ went to the store and got him some sprite and gatorade and then I went to bed for an hour or so while he watched him. He threw up once while I was asleep. He’s done pretty good most of the day and even played some but he’s asleep now. Then there’s Kinley. She has been coughing a lot for the past few days and her nose is stuffy and today she started running fever. She says her throat doesn’t hurt so I don’t think it’s strep and it’s not the virus Landon has so who knows. We’ve used a lot of Lysol today but if I were anybody not in our family I would not come to this house right now!!

I know where Landon got his virus. When I took Kaylyn to the doctor Thursday there was a kid in there sick w/diarea and throwing up and as he was leaving I told the nurses I didn’t want to be put in the room he was in. She said, “well, we sprayed it down good with Lysol” and be danged if she didn’t put us right into that room. I was paranoid the whole time and even put germX on all our hands when we left. But, I just know that’s where he got it from.

So, our plans for the day went down the drain. Jose’ and I were going to finish our shopping today and just get away for his birthday…he’s 40 today. I feel bad that his day got messed up but he’s been in a very good mood and is outside now listening to the football game and cooking. Kaylyn and Kinley made him a birthday cake that we will eat after supper.

I had a little more energy today and wasn’t as cold so I am thinking the iron pills my already be doing some good. Constipation has not been a problem so far and although they have been a little hard on my stomach it’s not anything I can’t handle.

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December 9, 2006

sounds like our house! everyone’s been sick here, except for zoe, thank goodness. i hope everyone around there gets better soon!!

December 9, 2006

Oh wow, you guys are just getting all of the stuff going around aren’t you? Sorry! That really sucks. I have been sick myself with a cold and have been having Brandon drink Airborne like it is going out of style this weekend because we can’t afford for him to get sick. Happy 40th to Jose. Hope everyone is better soon!

December 11, 2006

thank you for the sweet note! i’m glad you liked the photos! hope everyone’s feeling better soon. x