Went to the doctor

Yesterday morning Kaylyn woke up with fever and her throat hurting so she stayed home from school. I took her to the doctor at ten and she has strep. They gave her a shot and a couple of prescriptions and she’s home again today. She’s missing a mid-term test but the teacher said she could take it Monday or Tuesday. At first Kaylyn said she wanted to go today but I told her no because 1. you can’t spread your germs and 2. I didn’t want her taking a mid-term test sick and not at her best. So, she’s home today. I called my daycare child’s mother to let her know Kaylyn is sick and home and she said she would not be bringing her today…I don’t blame her.

While we were at the doctor’s office my doctor saw me in the hall (my doctor and the kids’ doctor are in the same office building) and he asked me how I’d been doing. I told him I actually needed to come in to see him because I thought I needed to have my thyroid level checked again because of how tired I’ve been…and cold. He told the nurse to get my chart and put me in a room…I didn’t argue with him since I knew I really needed to see him. He had them draw three tubes of blood and said he was going to test my thyroid, estrogen, cholestrol, b-12 and iron. The iron test he was able to see right then in the office and he said that was most likely my whole problem. My iron level should be at 13 and it’s at 8…dangerously low he said. No wonder I’ve been so tired!! He said that’s why I’ve been so cold and even why my heart has been acting up…beating too fast at times. He said it is trying to compensate for there not being enough blood there. I told him I sometimes have trouble breathing and he said it’s because blood carries oxygen through our bodies and if there is not enough blood there then there is also not enough oxygen there. He put me on an iron pill twice a day and wants to see me back in a week. He said if my levels don’t look any better by then I may have to be given blood. I really hope it doesn’t come to that!! I worry about being on the iron pills because they cause constipation and are just hard on your stomach. But, I have to take them faithfully.

Kinley had a field trip today to the Little Theater to see a play called Fruitcake. She was so excited and it took me back to when I was a kid and we were going on a field trip. I just feel sad that I am not going with them. The only parents who could go were the ones who were transporting the kids. I do not drive in big towns so I am not going. I can’t wait to hear all about it when she gets home.

Gotta go…more later.

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December 8, 2006

I am so glad that you at least know what is going on with you know and that the medicine will help with that! Hope Kaylyn feels better soon. Strep is no fun, but at least with me once I am on medicine I start to feel better in 24 hours.