Feeling Frustrated!!

My morning is just not going right. I had planned on going to the bank as soon as my daycare child got here so I could deposit the money I have saved and Kaylyn gave me and get Jose’s PlayStation 2 ordered. Well, not long after my daycare child got here Landon went back to bed and is still asleep. I hate to wake him up but hate waiting. I called my MIL to see if she could come sit with the kids while I ran to town…she only lives a mile from me and isn’t working right now…but she was cleaning and rearranging. I told her that was okay that I would just wait for him to wake up. I was hoping she’d say she could come anyway but she didn’t offer. Then when I started getting my money together to make out my deposit slip I noticed the $40.00 Kaylyn gave me was not where I had left it. I looked in her room and all around where I put it but it’s gone. Then I remembered asking her this morning did she have money to take with her to the basketball game and she said she did. I guess she took that money forgetting I was going to use it for Jose’s gift :-(. So, now I can’t order it today. I’m afraid if I wait much longer that good deal online is going to be gone. I’m really sad about it. Sometimes it just seems like nothing goes right for me. Now I will probably have to wait until I get paid on Friday to order it.

I still have to go to town to pick up the money my friend owes me for doing a wedding album for her. She’s a photographer and does a lot of weddings. She pays me to number the pictures and put them in the wedding albums for her. It’s very time consuming but I enjoy doing it and like being able to make the extra money. I also need to deposit some money a friend gave me to pay for an Ebay purchase I made for her. I don’t normally like doing that but did because she asked me to. But, I like to pay for my auctions the day I win them and she didn’t have the money right then so I had to wait through the weekend for her to pay me. I got an email from the Ebay seller asking if I still wanted it and I hated that he had to do that because I am always so good at paying on time.

My day can only get better!!

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December 4, 2006

Sorry your day isn’t going so well. I don’t like when I am not able to do what I had planned either.

December 4, 2006

Aw that sucks *HUGS* I hope your day gets better hun!

December 5, 2006

That is frustrating. Some days even the smallest things take way too much effort to try and accomplish. Makes you just want to crawl back into bed!