Here I Am

Well, I am tired of not having anywhere to write so here I am :-).  I’m sure some of my friends are here…I’ll just have to find them and let them know I am here.  I don’t even think I will keep my other diary, if it ever comes back. 

So, a little about myself for the ones who don’t know me.  My name is Vicki and I’ve had an online diary for about five years.  I love writing and don’t worry about how many notes I get…which are never very many.  As long as my good friends are here I’m happy.  I have been married for nineteen years to Jose’.  I’ve been a SAHM for 12 years or maybe longer and for the most part I like it.  But, I have found myself getting restless lately and thinking I would like to be back working around adults and socializing more.  I just feel trapped a lot here and like I’m just here to make everyone’s else’s life good…does that sound terrible?  I have a daycare in my home but this school year am only keeping one little girl three days a week.  I don’t have any kids, except Landon, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I love having those days to myself and being able to go and do with Landon.

We have four children.  Stephen will be 17 next month on the 28th.  It’s all about football with him right now.  Their team is in the playoffs and this Thursday they play the State Championship game.  He is so so excited because if they win they get rings and big patches for the back of their letterman jackets.  The team they have to play is tough but I feel like they can beat them. 

Kaylyn is 13, will be 14 in March.  She’s a JV cheerleader and plays basketball.  Football is over for them for the year so it’s on to basketball for them.

Kinley is 8 and in 2nd grade.  She can play basketball this year but I don’t know if we have her talked into playing or not.  She’s not a very outgoing child but she’s been doing better.  She doesn’t like school but is doing better than in the past two years.

Landon is 3, will be 4 in February.  He’s quite a handfull and not anything like our other three.  He doesn’t look like them or act like them…he’s just his own little self.  We thought we were done having kids when Kinley was born and I had my tubes tied but we changed our minds and I had a tubal reversal done on April 2, 2002…found out I was pregnant two months later with Landon :-).  I feel so so lucky to have him!!

So, for those that don’t know me, that’s my family.  I’m not a real faithful writer but will try to at least write a couple of times a week if there is anything going on here.  With four kids there usually is :-).

Now I just have to find out how to post pictures on here.

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November 27, 2006

I can help you post pictures, no worries about that. You see in my diary I have tons posted there. *laughs* So good to see you here!! 🙂

November 28, 2006

I only write Friends Only here, so I added you!! Good to see you here! =o)

November 28, 2006

Glad to see you here! It was fun to read about your family even though I already know you! Putting pictures on this site are SO easy!

November 30, 2006

Good luck to Stephen with the game! Let us know how it went.