Starting over – again

I’m so tired of making the "I’m going to do it this time" speech…  I really hope I don’t have to do it again after this. 

I’ve become a member on

They have free diet & exercise tracking, and offer a program and all sorts of stuff.  (I don’t know much about it, I just signed up like an hour ago, but it looks pretty good so far.)  So I have a goal of logging on daily to keep track of myself and to try and improve my eating habits.  So that’s my main goal, I visit that sight every day and use it to the best of my advantage. 

Now, according to their plan, I should reach my goal weight of 140 exactly a year from today… It’s such a lovely thought, isn’t it?  I know I’m all ready a little discouraged.  I mean I can’t count how many times I’ve figured out what day I’d reach my goal if I lost x amount every week, and it never happens.  But that’s not the right attitude to have now is it?  I CAN DO THIS.  And I believe that between keeping a journal here and visitng sparkpeople every day, I can make it happen, I just have to deticate myself to it and stop being so afraid of failing. 

To help me along in this new endevor, I’m going to write out a scedule for the next couple of weeks.  A basic run down of when I work, have kickboxing classes, when I’d like to fit in more exercise, events planed, etc.  Just so I have a handle on everything that’s going on. (Since Christmas is fast approaching, and you know how nuts things can get.)

And that’s that, for now anyway.



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December 4, 2005

I joined Sparkpeople a while back, it’s a good site, I just couldn’t keep up with logging everything in, tho I’ve done that in the past, it helps 🙂 I lost 50 pounds over the last few years. Kickboxing sounds really cool, my best friend does it, how do you like it? Good luck with things, make sure you take a ‘before’ picture! I wish I had taken a good one.

March 30, 2007

where in the PNW are you? and does kickboxing strain your back at all? it sounds fun but I have a reallyyyyyyyyy bad back.