Roommate Drama

Before I went to work last Monday night, I straightened up the dining room table as my mother would be coming over Tuesday morning to be around when the roofers would be replacing the roof.  My roommate’s boyfriend came over to hang out with her.  When I arrived home Tuesday morning, I came up my almost full coin jar to have been almost completely emptied.  WTF.

I woke up my roommate Wendy to ask her if she knew anything about the emptied jar.  She claimed that she did not know anything about it.  She knew that I suspected her boyfriend of pilfering approximately $100 in spare change.  She called her boyfriend and said that he did not do it but was willing to pay me cash of the value I believed to be in the jar to smooth suspicions.  I rolled my eyes.  Whatever.

A few days later Wendy came home after a night at her boyfriend’s (a change of pace as he had been spending days at a time over at my place), she handed me $20 saying that it was from her boyfriend and that was all that cash he had.  I still don’t want him over anymore.

Wendy is still giving him the benefit of the doubt claiming that while I was on vacation, she found the front door opened.  Whether she forgot to lock the door or whether there was a mystery intruder, she wants to believe mystery intruder and that same mystery intruder possibly stole my money that night her boyfriend happened to have stayed over.  Uh, huh.

There is a bright side.  He is not constantly at my house.  I do not know if that was worth about $100 but it is still nice for him not to be here constantly not that he was a bad guy to be around other than being the prime suspect in the theft of my money.

In other news, I am so excited. Laura is moving in with me.  Laura is moving in with me.  Laura. Is. Moving. In. With. Me.  Ah!!!!!    

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