Overdue Update

Where to start?

I now have a roommate.  It is not the roommate I would prefer but I needed the company. The emptiness of the house was getting to me.  The girl Wendy planned on moving in last summer but made up with her dad on the day she was supposed to move in.  Fast forward to around Thanksgiving and she tries to commit suicide by downing a bottle of pills.  She is still grieving for her deceased mother and upset that her dad remarried so soon.  Plus, the new stepmom is getting on her case that Wendy is an adult and needs to be on her own and not living with her dad.  The dad is agreeing with the stepmom or at least not disagreeing with the stepmom.  So, now Wendy feels she has lost both her parents and the grief was too much for her.

She stayed with her sister for about a month then moved in with me on New Year’s Eve.  Wendy slept in my room while I slept in a spare bedroom.  I had been mainly sleeping in the spare room but when Wendy moved in, that provided the motivation to fix up the room to make it a room I would want to stay in.  It wasn’t until February that she moved in her furniture into the empty spare room I had prepared for her that previous summer.

My ex was pregnant.  The pregnancy had to be terminated as the fetus was not developing.  When her doctor first found possibly signs that the pregnancy might be abnormal, my ex started to call me.  She was asking me what I know about HCG levels in regards to pregnancy.  She would call me with updates and just want to talk about it.  There was even one late night when she called me after leaving the emergency room.  She said that she felt something was wrong and went to go get checked out.  A sonogram was performed and the tech could not find a fetal heartbeat. 

One part of me felt happy that she felt she could still confide in me.  I still miss her and these phone calls felt like a part of her was coming back to me.  Another part of me was upset at her.  She divorced me.  She lost that right to use me to help her through difficult and emotional times.  I felt conflicted.  But, now that the pregnancy is officially no more, the phone calls have stopped.

Laura was back in treatment.  She went to an in-patient program in New Orleans back in January.  She was there for maybe three weeks before her insurance would not pay for additional time there.  She is now back in Dallas where she started an outpatient program.  But, last week she was started on an experimental medication that involved admitting her for in-patient treatment.  Right before that happened, I invited her to join me as I had made plans to take my son to the National Scouting Museum the following day.  To my surprise, she accepted my invitation.  She said she would send a confirmation text later that night.  I never did receive it.  I was not surprised but I was disappointed.  Turns out, that was the day she was admitted.    

My brother’s new wife was briefly pregnant as well.  But, she miscarried shortly after.  I think she was only a month along if that.  

My grandmother passed away at the end of January.  At the viewing as I arrived to greet my mom she said, "So, you are going to speak at your grandmother’s funeral?"  I told her that I had not planned on it nor had anybody asked me to.  The next day at the funeral I see my name as a speaker.  I asked my mom about that.  She said that it was my aunt Merced that did that.  I had asked my mom why she did not let me know ahead of time so I could have prepared.  She said that my aunt had basically put that into the program just an hour or so ago.  When it came to speak, I just mentioned what the memories of my grandmother that I would always hold and that she was mother to us all (grandchildren and great-grandchildren).   My brother was also put on the program.  He was excited as this gave him an excuse to read a Bible passage in front of a captive audience.  I don’t remember what he read. I just remember rolling my eyes. 

Oh, I bought a new laptop with Windows 8.  Somebody slap Bill Gates in the back of the head for me.  Windows 8 takes the expanded abilities of a computer and limits it to the capacity of a tablet.  Imagine buying a power drill with the motor taken out which basically turns the power drill into a screwdriver. Sure with the power drill, drill bits can be interchanged but the drill now has to used like a screwdriver which defeats the purpose of getting a power drill in the first place.  That is how it feels what Windows 8 does to a computer. 

Until the next update…

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