Back on the Diet

A couple of weeks ago I had a cookout at my house.  The cookout was also to serve as a late mini birthday party for my son.  It was just close friends and a few relatives that attended.  There were only 2 other kids around my son’s age that were there not counting my cousin’s young toddler.  My son did not mind.  He was too absorbed playing video games with my cousin’s son that is a year or two older than he is.  Those two were so into the games that they could care less that there were no other kids.  The other kid that came was my brother’s daughter but they did not arrive until late in the evening.

Moving on, I bought a small pinata and filled it with a little candy and plastic trinkets.  The two boys had fun trying to whack that paper mache’ donkey to shreds.  I bought a cookie cake and a candle.  But, when it came time to bring out the cake, I had lost the candle.  I felt bad.  But, we gathered around and sang "Happy Birthday" and cut into the cookie with a brand new pizza slicer that I had in a drawer.  I was having a hard time cutting the cookie.  When I picked up the slicer to clean off the icing, I noticed that I had not removed the protective shrinkwrap plastic off the utensil.  My brother sarcastically asked just how much have I had to drink.  Later, the next morning I ended up finding the candle.  I had put the candle on a pile of styrofoam plates and then not paying attention I put another stack of plates on top of the candle.  The stack of plates looked virtually seamless.  So, when I was tearing up the kitchen counter looking for the candle, I did not think to look between a pile of styrofoam plates.

Well, there were leftovers from the cookout out.  Hamburger patties, beerbrauts, hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans, soft drinks, and ice cream.  I was eating that stuff for days as my lunch and dinner.  Plus, throw in the ice cream floats I would have as between meal snacks.  By the time my work week began, I had gained about 4 to 5 pounds.  I decided to go back to my low-carb diet.  I had lost a lot of weight last time I was really serious about it and I have that same serious feeling again.  The diet and weight loss is something to concentrate on rather than my lack of a social life.  As today is Monday and I started the diet on Wednesday, so far I have lost about 6 pounds.  I started at 187 and now I am at 181.  When I gave this diet my all, I had started at between 195 and 200 and was able to drop to 168.  Let’s see if I can reach that or better yet surpass it.


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May 16, 2011

hey me too!! I have been doing the low carb thing for 10 days and i have lost 11 pounds 🙂 good luck to you!

May 16, 2011

hey me too!! I have been doing the low carb thing for 10 days and i have lost 11 pounds 🙂 good luck to you!

May 16, 2011

hey me too!! I have been doing the low carb thing for 10 days and i have lost 11 pounds 🙂 good luck to you!

May 16, 2011

hey me too!! I have been doing the low carb thing for 10 days and i have lost 11 pounds 🙂 good luck to you!

May 17, 2011

i eat low carb as a lifestyle now and i love it. forces you to be creative and to actually cook instead of nuking a microwave meal or going thru a drive thru 🙂 goodluck!!

May 17, 2011

i eat low carb as a lifestyle now and i love it. forces you to be creative and to actually cook instead of nuking a microwave meal or going thru a drive thru 🙂 goodluck!!

May 17, 2011

i eat low carb as a lifestyle now and i love it. forces you to be creative and to actually cook instead of nuking a microwave meal or going thru a drive thru 🙂 goodluck!!

May 17, 2011

i eat low carb as a lifestyle now and i love it. forces you to be creative and to actually cook instead of nuking a microwave meal or going thru a drive thru 🙂 goodluck!!

May 17, 2011

I keep thinking about doing something like that. Good luck with you!

May 17, 2011

I keep thinking about doing something like that. Good luck with you!

May 17, 2011

I keep thinking about doing something like that. Good luck with you!

May 17, 2011

I keep thinking about doing something like that. Good luck with you!