So my balls have grown 37%…

Day 1
As mentioned earlier… two days after dropping $600 at 24 hour fitness (sidepoint… $600 dollars gets me 3 years at any 24 hour fitness nationwide and after that it’s $30 a year for the rest of my life) my passenger side brake pad busted loose while I was driving causing my shitty little car to become a giant shitty paper weight.

Those who know me, know that I’ve never even changed my own oil.  I call around and I’m looking at $250-$300, that’s a no-go.  After the urging of G, my partner, I decided to undertake fixing the brakes on my own.  So off to the parts store I go, a short time later I’m the proud owner of caliper spreaders and rotors and pads and brake cleaner and brake fluid and a 30mm rachet attachment and all the information the 16 year old front counter person knew about brakes.  According to him, I’ll need to remove the giant nut that holds my wheel on.

So I jack up the car and proceed to take off the pads and the rotor and then try to get off the giant nut that is holding on the wheel hub.  I, of course, can’t get the nut off.  So I go back to the auto parts store and buy a pipe to use as a breaker bar.  Using the breaker bar, I snap two ratchets in half without budging this nut.  So I call a buddy and drive out to Milwaukie (on the other side of town) to borrow his air compressor and ratchet.  I get the bolt off, mind you this is now 10 at night in the middle of December.  Not only am I freezing my growing nuts off, but G’s neighbors are getting upset.

I get the nut off the bolt and sit and look at it.  I’m lost and the auto parts store is now closed.  So we go hop on the internet only to realize I DON’T NEED TO REMOVE THAT FUCKING NUT.  After cursing and swearing and placing a hex on this auto parts kid and his unborn first child I go back outside to put the giant nut back on and put on the new rotor and pads, by midnight I have spent my first day and I have only HALF THE FUCKING JOB DONE

Day 2
I start the day happy that I now know what I’m doing and this second wheel should be simple since I DON’T NEED TO REMOVE THE GIANT FUCKING NUT HOLDING ON THE WHEEL HUB.  I start off by busting one of my lugnut studs right off, great another day of this shit.  I persevere and proceed to do everything else, after I’m finished I start to bleed the brakes and I twist off the FUCKING BLEEDER SCREW.  So now I need to replace the caliper.  I leave the car up on the jack in disgust and walk to the max and head home.

Day 3
I start by going to the auto parts yard and getting a new caliper.  Bring it home and install the new caliper, take the car to Les Schwab to have them replace the lug nut stud I busted off and my car is off and running.

3 days, 85 dollars but I did it all (well almost all) by myself and because of this my nuts grew 37% in man size.  I ladies can work on a car, am devilishly handsome and now have 37% bigger balls… come an get em…

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OMG! You worked on a car! I’m so hot right now. LOL

Yep, I’m healing. It’s hard work, this healing. I thought you’d appreciate my dalliance in the lingo. LOL. I hope to get some pics off to you soon. Take care, Bebes.

My balls have grown too! Here is what I bought last night. Husband came through with financial help so I could have it. Giddy up!!

Go read “Girl Juice on my Knee,” in my OD. I couldn’t help but think of you.

Hey stranger. Do you know SWPDXgirl in realtime? I’m being nosy. She and I want to meet and I wonder what you know about her. She has my secrets through FOD, can I trust her with them? Including my home phone number? Thanks, Babycakes. PS: I’m jealous, you know. Your noting her… jeez.

Where the hell are you? I miss you and WHERE ARE MY KOJAK TAPES! lol –R

Sweetums, Bullwinkle didn’t get to see your dick pic. Can you note her diary and get her email to send to her? She’s so bummed she missed it. It was great, BTW. You enjoyed my pics???

Sweetheart, there are babycakes and there are babycakes. You are my one and only special guy and you know it. So what did you think of the pics of me? Do you still want to ravish me?

Bullwinkle is sick she missed your erection pic. Can you email it to her? Or email it to me and I’ll forward it to her. –R

Oh Michael. The poor thing! He had a cancer biopsy up inside his body and the blood pooled inside him so when he went to get dressed afterwards, he bled all over the floor from his rectum and it upset him SO BADLY that he almost passed out and then he couldn’t get the blood wiped off and he kept almost passing out as more blood gushed out of him and down both legs. They kept him there for 3 hours after the procedure and no one called me and told me!!!

Thank you, Puppy. You have been on my mind since I got the news. Plus, we stayed in the Shilo in Springfield last night. LOL. Sweet, sweet Shilo. He will survive but it looks grim for his erections. Wouldn’t you know it? LOL. We’re okay. Better now that we talked to the surgeon this a.m. He likely WILL be able to control his bladder function and there’s a 30-40% chance he’llhave erectile disfunction. His age and health are positive factors and they caught it early. He’s had it about 6 months. I miss you. Again, been thinking about you so much since I got the news. I’ll keep you posted. T