
As I watched Swingers last night (after Love and Sex… great Favreau night on IFC) and I realized that I’m Mike (Favreau’s character).  Most think I’m money and have game and blah, blah, blah… Pearse (my roommate) thinks I’m Trent but I’m not.

I can be loud at an all night diner like Trent, I can get action if I try.  Down deep I’m Mike.  I fall hard, I’m awkward, I want love and not just sex. I’m the only one of the guys in my friend group that can turn down sex from a girl because I want more.  I never know how long to wait before I call and end up sending a text the next morning… EVERY TIME!!!  Though I’ve never had the awkward message machine night after meeting a girl.

I can picture myself doing it though.  In the end of it all, I want Lorraine.  I want the shy goofiness.  The goofiness that comes from meeting someone you like and not knowing how to act or what to say.

Maybe I’m Adam Levy… and I’m looking for Kate… I don’t know…

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February 10, 2006

Survivor was brilliant. Better than Lullaby… Can’t wait to read Choke.

February 11, 2006

No, that’s how I know you’re gay. 🙂

February 12, 2006

ryn: thank you sweetie! it took me a while to write. i’m glad to see you’re back!

Just 40! LOL. Tired of all the bullsh*t. Ready to move along in my life, whatever that means. That’s all. 40 hit me very very hard.

Thank you for calling me “Baby Girl,” BTW. Something very special about that. I am thinking of you constantly during this tough time. Love and hugs, me

I emailed you first thing from red_runninghood@yahoo.com but I got a mailer demon back just now! Try emailing me at red_runninghood@yahoo.com, please? Me

Ah!! But I like this guy a lot, this Mike. He’s only called me a whore once! ROFL

You really can’t beat Godiva. Did you leave a personal note on my OD over the weekend? Anonymous and private? No one is taking the credit/blame. LOL

You know what’s really nice? Your noting my diary. LOL. Thank you for calling the other day. Work sucks, BTW. SUCKS.

It’s a Portland thing. LOL. It’s my phrase now — I’m keeping it! Worked with “Scott” at the gym today again — too pretty to be straight, methinks. But he made me SWEAT! Like, dripping off the end of my nose sweating! It was horrific. So what’s the etiquette? When he’s there working with me and I’m paying for his time, how do I handle my sweating like that?

Ditto, Bubalub. Having a personal trainer is worth EVERY PENNY — especially when he says “Now lie on your back, Red.” *gulp*

woohoo! I’m just what the doctor ordered then!

She’s from Portland! It’s a Portland thing! She also loves to be called Baby Girl so she calls me that. I’ve been singing your praises all over my FOD — it’s good to be able to do that! LOL.

Thanks for your notes. I haven’t been a very good friend to you of late either. But you are always on my mind — hope you know that. Be well and take care of yourself. I miss ya. T

Michael: Jeez, I’m sorry. That was so lame on my part. Too selfish right now, I am. I’m sorry. It’s funny too because I have thought about you ever since you noted me, but I was thinking more about the you and Julia aspect of it and how you were faring with that. I don’t know, Hon. Re parents, maybe I didn’t even hear you say it because the pain of losing my own mother is still …

…too much for me. Maybe I didn’t say anything about it because I figure your dad is strong as an ox and will be fine. Maybe I didn’t say anything about it because I’m just a b*tch right now. Please forgive me, Michael. I’m sorry. Would you speak to me if I called you?

I’m sorry, Michael.

Please let me know how you are when you get a chance. Please let me know if you are still speaking to me. Please.

You are the beast! You are so the beast! I am so proud of you! So happy re your dad — just made my day. You sounded so good.

Thank you for the pic! It gave me such a big smile! Thank you, Darlin’. I’m so glad you’re doing well. I miss you. I think of you every day. I wish I could come see you wrestle! Damnit! Damnit. How is work anyway??? I never get to hear how the business is going and if you are getting enough income from it now. check cornjobby — I sent you some kiddo pics.

She’s calling me baby girl again! Aren’t you going to spank my a**??? I mean, uh… her a**?

Yes, yes, it’s about you, Tardo. Thanks for the memories!

Thanks for being “into me.” I always appreciated that you never let me down that way. I know you love me. I hope you know I love you too, Buster. Hope you are well. –T

Hey bubby. Drop me an email at red_runninghood. I just miss ya is all.

ryn~ Why shoooore! C’mon in. A little wacky in here. Hope you can handle it!

You won’t call me babydoll?!! *pouts* I only show my pics because they bait me. I’m so damn vain. *big stupid grin* I don’t have any nasty ones though. Not like “dick pics” as you have!!!

Besides which, you appreciated seeing my bare back again, didn’t you?

December 20, 2006

Hey.. I just wanted to say thankyou for the nice note you left me..