Why Is It…?

 …That my moral compass always points due north?
 There are so many people that I know who just lie, cheat, and steal like it is nothing to them and never get caught, yet I am the one who knows it’s wrong, but yet I am the one who always suffers in the end.
 My emotions are beginning to shut down again. I had this a few years ago after I ended things with my ex-girlfriend (over 5 years now.) At that time, I stopped it..
 This time, I don’t think I’m going to, or that I should..
 Recently, I’d been led to believe certain things were true, and accepted and believed them without any doubt. It’s a good way to be, some people would say.
 I disagree.
 It’s a crap way to be in this day in age, because people lie to your face, no one says what they mean, and everyone seems to have ulterior motives.
 There is no more honesty.
 I need to adjust.

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