Well, Aaron is off at his first day of work and school, the kiddos are sitting at their table eating toaster waffles, so I’m sitting here having my "morning coffee" AKA morning computer time.
I got some really awesome news at work yesterday. The store manager and I were talking about the new store the company is opening up next summer, and he told me that he’ll be taking that one over. He said that, if I’m interested, he’d like me to come a long as part of the new management team. He said that I’m a really good candidate to move up to management, and he’d like to have me at the new store. I was floored! Jim is a hard guy to pin down, and most of the time, you can never tell if you’re on his good side or bad side. So, it was really nice to know that he thinks well of my work and that I’m a valuable member of the team. I do have to admit, I’d never really considered staying on at the company forever, but if I have a chance to move up, it’s something I’m going to have to think about. Experience like that is really valuable, especially in a brand new store. I could learn quite a lot. But, all of that is still not until next year, and I have other things to worry about before that becomes a concern. Like, having a baby!
Chloe is completely enamored with the baby already. Every day she asks me to pull up developmental pictures on WebMD of what the baby looks like so she can see how big he/she is. And the other day she tried looking down my throat so she could see if the baby had hair. Because, according to her, if the baby’s got hair, it’s a girl. Lol.
Aaron’s a little happier about the idea now, although he’s practically got his vasectomy scheduled already. And that’s fine. This baby is going to be our last, one way or another. I think I’m ready to move on to the "next phase" of parenting, which doesn’t included changing diapers. This little one will bring us up to four kids, which is what I always said I wanted. And, I’d really like a girl this time, because then all of the kids would have a brother and a sister, and we’d be even. But, obviously, I’ll take what I get.
We’re going to let this little one be a surprise. After what happened with Benjamin, I don’t think I could believe an ultrasound even if I did find out. It will be a very big test of my patience to wait, that’s for sure.
In other news, my teeth are driving me absolutely nuts. I’ve been in such pain the past few days that I’ve been afraid to eat. I’ve always had bad teeth, but in the past two years they’ve really gotten horrible, and I’m thinking at this point they probably just need to be taken out. Don’t know how I’ll work that out while I’m pregnant, but I hope I can work something out, because if I have to wait until next summer to get it taken care of, I’m going to seriously go crazy.
I need to go find some breakfast now. Toodles.