A Voice for Ian – What Hep B Vax can do to a baby.






I had an entry all written up about what’s been going on in my life the past few days, but then I found this link, and I erased everything I wrote because this is more important. 

Hepatits B is a disease that is transmitted through sharing dirty needles and having unprotected sex with infected persons.  Infants in America are routinely given the vaccine to Hepatitis B within 24 hours of birth, even though the mother can be tested prior to delivery, leaving a vaccine unnecessary for children who have uninfected mothers.  But, this test is rarely given, and most pregnant women don’t even know it is available.  I know I didn’t.

How many infants do you know shoot IV drugs?  How many are running around having unprotected sex?  The short answer is NONE.  And yet we still inject our precious little babies with this vaccine. 

And before you tell me it’s harmless, I want you to go to this website:


Go to this website and be a witness to the needless suffering of this poor, perfect, innocent little creature.   


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