a lack of structure


lilypie kids birthday ticker



Makes me a very disorganized, frazzled, unhappy person.  This is the only thing that I’ve really not adapted to since losing my job.  I’m one of those people who benefits from having a schedule and a plan, and I don’t have one now and it’s why I can’t get a darn thing done.  Instead of being able to say, Okay, it’s Tuesday, I should be working on A, B or C, I just kind of look at my to-do list as a whole and get overwhelmed. 

In an effort to remedy this situation, I just sat down and made a list of things that I should be spending time on during the week.  Things like different rooms in the house that need cleaned, laundry, my photography assignments, schoolwork, my Etsy shop, etc.  Then I plugged them into a spreadsheet that has all seven days divided up by morning and evening.  So now, I can get out of bed and realize, Okay, it’s Tuesday morning.  When I’m not busy with the kids, I need to be cleaning the kitchen.  Or whatever.  I’m really hoping this helps me out, because I’ve been getting absolutely nothing done around the house lately. 

Aaron’s not going to like it, but I’m going to make him one as well.  I’m getting tired of him sitting on his ass all day before he goes to work.  Won’t kill him to clean the living room or do the dishes before he jumps in the shower.  Plus, he always says he "forgets" things like taking out the garbage, so maybe having it down on paper in front of him will help him "remember."

Another thing that would help: not sleeping in so much!  I could have a solid three or four hours to myself in the mornings if I started getting up at seven instead of waiting on Ben to be ready for the day.  He normally sleeps until ten or eleven if I leave him in the bed when I crawl out of it.  That extra time would be especially helpful on days I need to clean the bedroom or have homework to do. 

I’m gonna go print my spreadsheet off and hang it on the fridge so it’s in my face all day.  I think I’ll tape Aaron’s to the computer monitor.  lol.

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