taming the chaos

So.  Last Tuesday night, both kids came down with a virus and spent the following 24 hours puking and laying around with fevers.  Fun times, but they got better pretty quickly. 

Fast forward to Friday.  Mommy gets sick and is nowhere NEAR better in 24 hours.  It’s Monday, and I’m just now starting to feel somewhat normal again.  I actually ran up to urgent care yesterday because I had a lot of pressure and discomfort in my chest.  I came home with some antibiotics and a diagnosis of Upper Resp. Infection (which I figured).  I missed work all week, but I’m going back today. 

I’m also trying to tame the chaos around my house today.  Back on the FlyLady bandwagon and starting the babysteps all over again.  It really is a good system, when I can manage to stick with it.  And I have the feeling that I’m really going to need it badly with another little baby coming.   I’m just doing little bits everyday so I don’t get overwhelmed, and hopefully that will help me stick with it.  Today, for example, I’m shining my sink (which is a bigger task than I thought it would be), and doing 15 minutes of crisis cleaning in each of the main rooms.  Oh, and the Zone Cleaning mission of the day, which I think is cleaning the light fixture in the bathroom and doing a 5 minute room rescue on one of the kids’ rooms. 

I’m hoping to have the house in a semi-presentable condition over the course of the week, because next week is Thanksgiving and Black Friday so I won’t have any time for any heavy duty cleaning. 


On the baby front, the little one is starting to make his or herself known a bit.  Not through movement, but I can surely feel my uterus when I’m trying to lie on my stomach to read Chloe a bedtime story.  Definitely uncomfortable!  My pants aren’t getting tight at yet, though the buttons have started to bother me.  I’m actually still down about six pounds from where I started when I first discovered I was pregnant.  But, weight loss in the first trimester is pretty typical for me.  Plus, I’ve been really sick and not eating much the past four days. 

Aaron and I have starting kicking some names back and forth, and of course, can’t agree on much.  I swear, it doesn’t matter how many kids you have, it never gets any easier to pick out a name.  I like Oliver for a boy, Aaron hates it.  He wants Ireland for a girl, I hate that.  (Plus, I debate the wisdom of giving my child the same name as Mel Gibson’s kid…)  It’s a good thing we’ve got a good six months to hash it out! 



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