


I’m awake, at five thirty in the morning no less, because I had a lovely dream that Benjamin turned into a zombie and tried to devour me as I slept.  Lovely, right? Perhaps because his two year molars are coming in and he feels the need to soothe his pain by biting me.  In any case, it was a very vivid, realistic dream, and I just couldn’t get back to sleep.  So, I’m up and getting a head start on the day I guess. 

I have a lot to do today.  First up is heading to the grocery store to pick up a few things for mom, and for myself that I left off the list.  I may also stop at Hobby Lobby and see what kind of sales they have this week, or to JoAnns to get some fabric.  Then off to Home Depot to get plumbing caps for the bathroom-to-office remodel and to check on a stair kit for the front porch.  When I get home, Aaron and I are going to take turns cleaning and entertaining the kids.  (Where Ben is teething he WILL NOT accept anything less than someone right next to him ready to do his bidding all day long.)  At some point today I need to find time to start weeding the proofs from my photo session last weekend, and I’m also going to make and ice some cupcakes for work on Saturday.  I’ve been feeling like doing some baking all week, but I really don’t need all those extra calories sitting around the kitchen, so I’m going to share with my coworkers.  🙂  I might bake more banana bread, too, because I’m fairly sure we’ve got some overripe bananas somewhere in the kitchen. 

Yesterday morning I did a bit of work in my little garden before the heat set in for the day.  I staked my tomatoes, did some weeding, and Aaron helped out by mowing between the rows and mowing a nice little walking path all around the edge of the plot.  It looks much better now.  My tomatoes and peppers are blooming, which is so exciting.  Mom and Dad have always had a garden, off and on, but this is the first year that I’ve tried to grow anything.  It’s so much fun!  Next year I’m going to make it even better by using raised beds and incorporating fruits and vegetables into the normal landscaping.  This year I’m still trying to train the kids not to dismember the plants, but so far it’s going pretty well. 

After talking to one of the girls at work, I think I’m going to join Weight Watchers.  I’m doing just fine exercising about four times a week (either swimming or using the Wii Fit), but changing my diet is the part that’s really holding me back.  Mom desperately needs to lose weight too, for her heart, so I’m going to try to talk her into joining up with me.  If she does decide to join up, then we’ll actually do the meetings in town, but if not, then I’ll probably just sign up online.  I’m excited about it.  Megan (from work) loses an average of 2 to 4 pounds a week if she follows the program, and that’s a good steady, healthy loss rate.  She’s lost over 40lbs since last summer, and it’s pretty inspiring. 

Okay, enough goofing on the computer.  I think it’s time to go get my day started!

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hope your busy day goes well! xxx

June 4, 2010

Brandon use to do weight watchers. I love their magazines and recipes!