Well, it seems it is definitely time to transition Benjamin out of the bassinet/my bed and into the pack and play for the duration of the night. This is the second night in a row I’ve woken up to find he’s rolled out of bed. He’s not hurt anything other than his pride either time, but I don’t see any need to press my luck.
So, when the sun comes up and a decent hour of the day rolls around, I’m going to put the baby gate up in my doorway so Chloe can’t get in my bedroom, and I’m going to dive into to cleaning it with the goal of eventually rearranging the furniture and getting the pack and play set up. Its going to be a job that takes several days, but I guess I can sort for yard sale things while I’m at it.
My fourth of July was spent at Aaron’s parents house with him and the kids. I expected the whole day to be trying on my patience, but it turned out to be pretty fun. The kids were on their best behavior and, surprisingly, none of the inlaws mentioned mine and Aaron’s ‘situation’. I did have to get onto my SIL for giving Ben a bite of pudding, but other than that, the day was enjoyable. And I took some fairly awesome photos of the house while I was stuck inside during Ben’s nap. I’m going to edit those today, time and children willing, and get them posted soon.
Aaron and I are due to have another discussion tonight. We still have a lot to talk about. I’ve pretty much decided that I’m ready to give things another try, but we can’t just jump in and try to pick up where we left off. We have to learn how to do things differently, and that’s going to be difficult. There’s a lot of hard work in the future for both of us, but I think we can pull it off if we both commit to being honest and open and to putting our relationship and our family before anything else.
I’ve got class in the morning, and three chapters of material to read beforehand. Not difficult stuff, just time consuming. Then after class I’m heading up to the Rose Garden to scout out the site for my engagement shoot next week. I just hope the rain stays away. We’ve had the wettest summer so far that I can ever remember. It’s rained for six out of seven days since the middle of May.
Well, just got the little man back to sleep (and in the bassinet this time), so I’m going to cut this short and try to grab another forty winks before the sun comes up.
It seems like you two are doing this the “right way”. Giving eachother enough space and time to think things thru, and then discuss. I hope you can work things out. 🙂
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good stuff all around! 🙂
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